UK, US Governments Warn Against Buying ZTE Hardware

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I am not happy that so many of our consumer choices of technology are being assembled in China (TVs, PC components, smart phones, microwaves, etc.). I trust their integrity about as far as I can throw a mule, and their increased territorial aggression in the South Pacific Rim is even more disturbing. And the increasing trend of "smart home" technology is equally disturbing. You can bet that hardware is made in China too. I'm not ready to wear a tin foil hat yet, but I'm getting there rapidly.
I don't trust my own government(US, didn't before Obama, didn't under Obama, don't under Trump), much less China's. Your sentiments are much like mine. I don't have a facebook account, and my only social media presence at all is LinkedIn(strictly work purposes). I'm no luddite, but I try to understand the implications of Surveillance Capitalism and worse, big government surveillance. There's a reason I still use a lan connection(not that it helps much).
China is the US'(and Western Civilization for that matter) biggest geopolitical threat/problem, anyone who doesn't see that has serious myopia.
China already has whatever it wants and can build whatever they want, they can nuke europe if they want too.

Europe and US feed the monstro, just accept it.
Murica at it again, war for oil and stirring up middle east is not enough for them, now they wage economical war, banning foregin companies based on false accusations and accusing them for exaclty same thing US gov does.
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