ULMB or G-Sync on PG279Q for fps gaming?

My monitor can get up to 165Hz and use ULMB or G-Sync. I have been using G-Sync but would like to find out how to improve my fps gaming as 95% of the time I play BF4. I can hit 85fps (average) in BF4 using G-Sync. I'm wondering if I'll benefit more using ULMB. I have the monitor set to 120Hz as I don't need more. I play BF4 at max settings but might drop AA to get 100fps.

Any suggestions or comments on which is better for fps gaming? Thanks.
Hey Friend,
I'm using two G-Sync displays myself and recently ran a "G-Sync" vs "ULMB" test to see which provides a a better experience (since you can't have both concurrently).

I found that the perceived response times and motion blur of ULMB mode was negligible compared to the native 144hz (in my case) usecase. What I DID notice was the introduction of tearing, which I had become so unaccustomed to with G-Sync. In the end, its a no brainier for me to choose G-Sync over ULMB for all gaming uses (even in my twitch titles like Rainbow 6: Siege and CS:GO).

At the end of the day, It's best to make up your own mind...and easy to perform a test yourself:) Hope that helps friend...take care and nice specs btw.
Hey Friend,
I'm using two G-Sync displays myself and recently ran a "G-Sync" vs "ULMB" test to see which provides a a better experience (since you can't have both concurrently).

I found that the perceived response times and motion blur of ULMB mode was negligible compared to the native 144hz (in my case) usecase. What I DID notice was the introduction of tearing, which I had become so unaccustomed to with G-Sync. In the end, its a no brainier for me to choose G-Sync over ULMB for all gaming uses (even in my twitch titles like Rainbow 6: Siege and CS:GO).

At the end of the day, It's best to make up your own mind...and easy to perform a test yourself:) Hope that helps friend...take care and nice specs btw.
Thanks for the input. Yes, I do have a 980ti. I guess I'll try ULMB and see if I feel/see a difference. If not, then back to G-Sync.

I am happy with what I get but it doesn't hurt to try to tweak it to make it better, thats why I asked.

@toddybody. Thanks for specs complement, but it is nothing compared to yours. My plan is to upgrade to Cannonlake in 2017, as my system is running fast and in no need of upgrade. By then I hope M.2 SSDs will be cheap and plentiful.
I don't care about getting extreme fps, and I intended for a single GPU system. I'm happy with reeling in what I get but if I can get more...why not. I run the 980ti at 1410MHz and could try for more. And might do so.

I like 1440p and won't go back to 1080p. But I wouldn't mind dialing back AA to push fps if it is worth it. Just really looking to fine tune what I got.

Do you mean there is no way for the monitor to turn off ulmb and turn on gsync when fullscreen games are running and after you exit the game turn off gsync and turn on ulmb once again?
Maybe via software (I don't know of one) but so far people have been able to achieve similar with different game profiles in the nvidia control panel going from game to another using ulmb for one and gsync in another


But to Windows desktop, not sure. Interesting idea, just don't think it's possible.