Unable to change Mac address with ASrock Mactool

Mar 9, 2018
I am getting the invalid mac address error but I cannot seem to assign a mac address as every time I receive this error -

Has anyone encountered this before? The error code is status=1 but I cannot seem to find any documentation on what is going on.

The only thing I could find remotely close is this ftp://ftp.tyan.com/Broadcom/LAN/BCM57XX/v7.6.2/DOS/UserDiag/b57diag.pdf on page 111 it mentions -

"/* ERR_IND_REG_ERR 1 */ "Got 0x%08X @ 0x%08X. Expected 0x%08X"

However, I have no idea what any of this means.

I have also tried using another tool such as TMAC but I am wanting to change the mac address not just spoof it as I am getting the error.

edit; some further clarification I am using version 1.61B from here - https://www.asrock.com/support/download/mactool.asp but I have also tried using 2.07A and 1.17F and neither worked.
Understood. This implies an issue with tool or the adapter itself. Personally, I would disable the on-board adapter and install a cheap PCIe adapter and not worry about this any more.

I am receiving "Invalid Mac address" when I boot up my machine, this is extremely annoying and this tool is supposed to fix it.

Right, this is an onboard ethernet adapter (Broadcom 57781 to be exact as seen in the "Brd" in the screenshot).

I am having this issue on an ASrock Z77 Extreme4 and yes this has always been happening, I came across this tool and they mentioned that it was supposed to fix it. Several youtube videos demonstrate it working properly but I cannot seem to replicate their success.
If the on-board adapter is defective, the tool likely won't work. Have you tried resetting the motherboard to its default state (and I would hope to reset the default MAC address for the network adapter) to see if that will restore functionality?

I have tried setting everything back to the bios defaults and even flashing the motherboard with the latest bios update, neither have worked. Using TMAC (tool for spoofing a MAC Address) it works fine and I can see that it is changed, however, this does not change the physical MAC address associated with the ethernet adapter.

I don't believe that the adapter is defective, it is able to be seen fine and works properly as well. It's just that I cannot seem to overwrite the MAC Address and correct it to the sticker on my motherboard so the issue persists.

Spoofing the MAC address using TMAC (https://technitium.com/tmac/) works fine, but this is not what I am after as the problem is still there when I reboot my machine as the physical MAC address is still unchanged and invalid.