Unable to deal with strange BSOD screen


Apr 6, 2016
Hello, ufter unfortunate ton of different solving methods, I'm finally writing here.
PC, 2011
Intel Core i7-2600k, 2x4GB G.Skill Sniper, GTX 580
Week ago I was playing a game and suddenly it stuck with short piece of game sound being repeated over and over, after a second screen went black. After reboot i could not start windows because of "page fault in nonpaged area win32kbase.sys" BSOD error with some white stripes (i don't have them anywhere except this BSOD message
I tried all types of chkdsk's, sfc, DISM, interchanging ram, different slots, booting with each of sticks, moving GPU from one PCIE to another, disconnecting each and all of drives, resetting bios to default, extracting CMOS battery, turning on and off TPU and EPU switches on MoBo.
Finally, I've installed fresh clean win10 image from microsoft site. It booted up. And then I try to install 391.35 WHQL Nvidia driver freshly downloaded from nvidia and got "System thread exception not handled" BSOD with white stripes
Sorry for this awful screen recording.[video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxIiki24_D0&feature=youtu.be"][/video]
then i tried to install older nvidia driver and got another BSOD with "Nvlddmkm.sys".
All googling led me to different methods that I've already tried and nothing changed. Unfortunately I could not find space PSU, GPU or RAM to test it.

Thank for your support in advance!
So you only get the white stripes on the error codes? otherwise desktop is fine?

Try running this and remove all trace of nvidia and run windows update and let it find drivers and see if those old drivers any better - http://www.tomshardware.com/faq/id-2767677/perform-clean-install-video-card-drivers.html

both errors could be caused by gpu drivers. I mean, 2nd obviously is but I see win32kbase a lot with GPU related problems.

Don't suppose motherboard has onboard graphics outlets so you can use IGPU on CPU instead. If GPU won't accept new drivers its a sign its on its way out.

note: the two images in both top and bottom spoilers aren't actual jpg so thats why they don't work. I removed img tag of top one but it won't even show the link

Thank you for the reply!
I have reuploaded photos in a right way
My i7-2600k don't have iGPU and MoBo don't even have VGA or smth.
I have reinstalled win10 again with fully cleaning ssd before. Used DDU to delete driver in Safe Mode, turned off driver auto download, rebooted, tried to install nvidia driver again and it crashed the same way as I've shown in a video.

I've opened dump file, It has a lot of data starting from
Symbol file could not be found. Defaulted to export symbols for nvlddmkm.sys

Now I'm starting to believe that my GPU is fried in someway but is there any way to check it before buying new one?
It works good, no white stripes in Windows, I can watch videos and everything works smooth, but I'm limited to 1280x1024 on FHD display.
Maybe some other ideas? Thank you!