Unable to get 1080@ 120hz all of a sudden?


Aug 1, 2015
So I left my GTX 970 to do some folding at home work (new beta version). When I came back my monitor output was black; restart. Since then, many resolution problems. Using the NVidia control panel, I am unable to now successfully set up custom resolutions (which is how I have been running it for 1yr+). Obviously as a result, unable to run any game at 1080 above 60hz. I cannot live like this.

Reinstalled drivers, nothing; clean reinstalled drivers, unplugged cables, many restarts, nothing. I'm stumped so I've come here. Any suggestions guys/gals? Many thanks in advance.

That's the thing though, I've tried that. Also, any custom resolution that I create in NVidia Control Panel gets listed there, such as the 1080@75 Hz I created (which doesn't work, distortion and something like 20:10 aspect ratio) so I'm thinking it's the better to try to resolve this within NVidia's control panel.
Thanks for the reply though!

Doubt it. Can still do 120hz at 1024x768 and 1080p at 60hz just fine. Problem started when the GPU was folding, so I'm assuming it's a hardware/software problem. Just hoping it's software! I need to reset something or other, I dunno... :ange:

BenQ XL2420T 120hz. But as I've said, it's highly likely that the issue is with the GPU, as I struggle to get very easily-reached resolutions with it. But that's just me, I may be wrong.

I tried this, and now my situation seems to have worsened. When restarting, it doesn't go into BIOS, it just hangs. Keyboard and mouse don't turn on. Have to turn off and on again several times for it to start up. So this definitely means it's not a monitor issue.

Still not able to get 1080p@120hz. I can create a custom resolution of 1600x900@100hz, and then when I try 1920x1080@100hz or above, nothing. Able to get 1080p@70hz though? This is really weirding me out! It's very interesting, but freaking annoying!!!
Slight update for those interested, managed to get 1080@75hz by setting the "timing standard" to "CTV reduced blank"...? No idea what this is but it's got me a few Hz extra! :/

Display Port to Display Port (not mini). Haven't touched the cables at all lately, so I don't see why that would be the problem :/
Okay, so I tried removing everything with Wagnardsoft's DDU in safe mode. Reinstalled everything. Still having trouble booting (sometimes requires 10+ times of turning on and off for it to post), and now unable to get 1920x1080 at all, only 720p. Display works *fine* with on-board graphics.
I'm assuming the worst now, hardware problems with the GPU. Will purchase another display port, just to be sure, if not, R.I.P. GPU, and welcome new paper weight.
"NVIDIA Display settings are not available.
You are not currently using a display attached to an NVIDIA GPU."
And that's with the latest drivers installed... Going to RMA, still got a few months' warranty left.
Thanks all for your help! You may /closethread :)