Question Unable to get more than 60fps in Overwatch


Apr 21, 2019
So I recently got a new monitor, it is 155hz. I used to have a 60hz monitor, my Overwatch wouldn’t go over 60fps so I thought it was a monitor thing. But now, even when I put it on the lowest settings, it will be 59-60fps, fluctuating from those two like it’s struggling to be higher, but can’t. The FPS cap is in a custom limit, it’s supposed to be 300. I have a good pc, and this is the only game that I have the problem with. I looked all over the internet and none of the answers worked for me. I tried deleting battlenet cache, I reset all the settings, I put it on fullscreen and on windowed. I went to the practice range (because FPS is capped in menu), I turned off optomize fullscreen. And probably a lot more that I don’t know off the top of my head. So I don’t know what’s happening but I want it too be over 60fps, I don’t know what caping it!
full system spec? include make and model of the PSU
what connection are you using to connect the GPU to monitor?

Intel Core i5-9600k
Radeon Rx gaming x 8g
16gb of RAM (3200mhz)

Cooler Master MPY-7501-AFAAG-US MWE 750 Gold Full Modular 80+ Gold Certified 750W
Im using a Displayport 1.2, and my Monitor is 2560x1440 155hz, A DisplayPort should have a max of 1440p 165hz
As I said, It doesn't do it for any other game, and it's not a problem with my monitor.