Unable to identify IP address through Ethernet cable


Oct 29, 2017
i have a booster next to the router which is plugged into the wall and connected with an Ethernet cable. I then have the hotspot in my room with the Ethernet cable to the PC.

Every time the it tries to connect it says 'unidentified network' then when i diagnose it the Ethernet doesn't have a valid IP address.

I have tried almost everything i can find on forums etc

I have reset the router, PC, IP Boosters etc
First, give us some model numbers so we can understand this better.

Without that I can only guess ... my guess is that your hotspot (wifi, right ... when I hear hotspot I think cellular network) was shipped with an IP address. This is so you can access it to configure it. Something like With some adapters you have to manually enter IP information into you computer so that you can connect to them. I'm guessing you don't have your PCs IP information entered correctly.

My second guess is that you do have your computer configured correctly to access the hotspot, but the IP address on the hotspot is in a different network than you router/booster/whatever and thus there is no communication.

I can't find the model number but the name of it is 'Wi-Fi home hotspot 500' kit by BT

I tried the IP you suggested but nothing happened


I can't find the model number but the name of it is 'Wi-Fi home hotspot 500' kit by BT

I tried the IP you suggested but nothing happened

This helps. Your hotspot and I assume your booster are Powerline networking adapters. If you're failing to connect to your router, I assume the problem is with one of the cables or the Powerline adapters are not connecting to one another. I noticed on the picture that the hotspot had indicator lights. Please check your user manual to make sure it is indicating a good connection.

Yes, they are all lit up and the same set up worked on my PS4 the day before my pc was built.
Ahh ... so the issue is more likely with your computer.

If you move the Ethernet cable back to the PS4 does it still work? What IP address does the PS4 get?

Now, moving the Ethernet cable back to your computer, open a command prompt (Windows Key + r, type cmd and hit enter). Type in "ipconfig' and hit enter. This will likely list multiple adapters. Look for the one that says Ethernet adapter. Hopefully there will be one and it will have a line "IPv4 Address". What is that address. Is it on the same network as the IP address your PS4 got?

Let us know what you find out.

I plugged it back into the PS4 took the IP etc and manually put them into IPv4 and nothing happened.
I've got a dongle in so if you want to stop then that's alright. Thank you for the help anyway!

You have a dongle that works? Wifi or Ethernet? Probably doesn't matter, but with all this information it's pretty clear that the issue is with your computer. Since the dongle works it is less likely that it is a software problem and more likely that it is a hardware fault ... probably something with the Ethernet port (onboard, I assume). If you are happy with the dongle's performance (I have heard negative things about dongles and gaming) then you are all good. If you are seeing more lag than you would like, then I would consider a PCI or PCIe Ethernet card (depending on what slots you have available).

I didn't read that you had tried reloading your drivers (maybe you have), but it might help and doesn't cost anything. Windows 10? If so, type "Network Status" in the windows search/Cortana box. At the bottom of the page you will see network reset. Click that.

Yeah the dongle is alright just goes bad every couple hours for like 15 mins or so. Also my motherboard says it comes ready with ethernet. Ill try the drivers again.



YES! Finally i got it working. I went to update the drivers again and there was something about making sure the motherboards Ethernet drivers were up to date. I YouTubed it and found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNYDBJPtLNI&index=12&t=132s&list=WL . Updated it and it worked straight away! Thank you for helping!
