Unable to install windows XP


Jan 10, 2013
Hello, I have a Gigabyte 970A-UD3 mobo, and I am trying to install windows xp 32 bit edition. When I try it, the computer boots up from the disc and I manage to get to the step where it does the "quick format" then when it reboots, it comes up with a "disc read error" if anyone can help me I will gladly appreciate it. Thank you

Also a note on that. I am not using any floppy disc. I am not sure If I need one.
The 100MB partition is the System Reserved partition from a previous install of Windows. You need to delete this before installing Windows again.

Also is your drive SATA or IDE? Windows XP doesn't natively support SATA drives which is why you would need to load the additional drives. If it can see your hard drive during setup you are fine.
You don't need a floppy. Assuming that the HD is not completely defective: I would take the HD out and put it in another system. You could try to format it yourself in Disk Manager using the long method ( includes error correction for bad sectors ). If Disk manager does not see it then try going to the manufacturer to get their diagnostics software. For instance if it is a Seagate, they have a Utility called Sea Tools that can better evaluate the problem.

I only have one HDD in a 500gb WD. there is the parition of approx 480 gbs of free space, and like 100 for unknown reason. I do not know what that is for, but im afraid if I format that, then the hdd might stop working

ive tried full as well sadly. my mobo manual said that i have to install raid/achi drivers when installing windows xp

If it says that, then you are trying to install Windows XP x64 and not 32 bit (XP x86).

Edit -
Also, in the bios, set the first and primary boot to the CD/DVD drive (OS disk), disable all other devices except hdd for secondary boot option. If you have no floppy drive, then disable it in the General tab.
The 100MB partition is the System Reserved partition from a previous install of Windows. You need to delete this before installing Windows again.

Also is your drive SATA or IDE? Windows XP doesn't natively support SATA drives which is why you would need to load the additional drives. If it can see your hard drive during setup you are fine.
Like Casper1973 said, and also, you'd best to set the hdd to IDE mode rather than trying for AHCI.
You'd need Windows XP SP2 (or service Pack 2 upgrade) to enable USB 2.0 ports otherwise, they'd be only version 1.1, really slow, if the motherboard actually allows backward compatibility to 1.1 and if not, those ports will be disabled and unusable.

Check the underside label of your mouse and keyboard, some of them are actually USB2 or USB3 in which thet may or may not work properly.

Installing XP on such a rig is going to be prone to all sorts of issues especially drivers.
You might want to consider acquiring Windows 7 SP1 x32 for whatever you intend, the OEM version is only about $90 but is only a single user licence.

It is windows xp 32 bit, and i have tried running it on sata mode. My mobo says that my 4th and 5th sata slots will read as ide, and that failed. but i have not deleted that 100 mb partition, i kept that there. I am afraid if I delete it then the hdd will mess up.
You can't install XP on a hdd formatted for 64 bit, deleting the partitions will also delete the OS for the HDD and also all the data on the hdd.
We are assuming you are wanting a total new install, is there any data on the hdd that you want to keep?
Do you want to format the hdd to 32 bit or NTFS?

What size is the hdd, you can't have anything larger than 320gb for XP (you can but it's a tricky process).