Unable to overclock pentium d e2140(doesnt go over 1.8Ghz)


Apr 23, 2012
Hello so i recently got an asus p5b-mx with intel pentium 2140 1.6ghz and saw that the Mb has overclocking options and also noticed that its possible to raise the ghz up to 3gighz with the intel stock colling with just a 0.1voltage increase although i cant even go higher that 1.9-2.0ghz although i have tried different values of voltages i tried increasing it even up to 1.500v from stock 1.3650v but still nothing when i raise the multiplayer up to 8*250 it doesnt boot up the screen is black and thats it. so i would apreciate it if u could help me Thx,


My Pc Spec:
asus p5b-mx
intel pentium D e2140 1.6Ghz(o.c. 1.8Ghz (stock voltage))
1.5Gb Ram ddr2 667mhz pc2-5300
Sparkle Gt220 1Gb ddr3
western digital 160Gb H.D.D.
350W PSU
With your power supply it could be that you are running out of power to achieve the boot, what are your amps on the 12v? Overclocking the CPU can increase the pull by more than you think.
is says on the power sup: +12v2- - -16.0A(Yel/Black),+5vsd- - -5.2A(purp),-12v- - -0.3A(Blue)
p.s there are more lines writen on it if you'l need them just tell me i will write it down
What is the total Watts over the 2 12v rails. See you have a lot of amps on the rails, maybe this is not it. But the total continuous power may be too low.

You will see

12v1 16A | 12v2 16A

Total Power

XXX Watts

Give me those and I can probably answer you
just a FYI,
that board has Intel® 946GZ + ICH7 chipset i am not sure how stable that is with overclocking like a P45/35 or X38/48 board.
sorry but what is FYI? and what do u mean saying: ''i am not sure how stable that is with overclocking like a P45/35 or X38/48 board.'' what is P45/35 or X38/48 board????
Well I think your PSU is good enough for an overclock, have you tried a mild overclock on auto voltage settings to 1.85 ghz etc?

What are you changing for your overclock, you can try using a Multiplier of 4.5 and a bus speed of 400 to acheive your 1.8ghz. Providing that works increase to a multiplier of 4.6 > 4.7 > 4.8 > 4.9 > 5.

Edit: looniam could be right, asus does have a new bios version for your board related to the chip. It doesn't say anything about overclocking but does mention temperature readings which could be a reason for the no boot senario: http://support.asus.com/cpusupport/detail.aspx?SLanguage=en&p=1&m=P5B-MX&cpu=Pentium%20Dual%20Core%20E2140%281.6GHz,%20800FSB,%20L2%201MB,L2%29&pcb=ALL&sincebios=0222&memo=

No offence but you need to brush up on some VERY basic computer knowledge before you try something like overclocking. Overclocking is for people with advanced computer skills.

And FYI google is your friend.


For Your Information

some motherboard socket 775 chipsets overclock better than others. the P35 or P45 and X38 or X48 chipsets were extremely good for overclocking; you would be able to be a higher overclock with the same CPU then you would with a G41 chipset.

now i realize that i had been comparing apples to oranges. as the chipsets i refereed to are more for the core2duos whereas you have a pentium D. however since it does have an integrated graphics controller, like the G41, i would suspect it might not be the best board to expect a high overclock with that cpu.

thanks for that. i skipped the whole P 4&D chips . . . at least thats my story and i am sticking to it.
um actually i have knowledge about pc but i also have limited knowledge about Mb's so i am not very familiar with those chips the other thing is that i first thought of high temp. cuz my thermal grease was very old and didnt done its job properly so the temp'sn were abou 70C but i changed it today and now its 40C under full load. but i can't get over 247*8=1.97Ghz and it doesn't matter how much i raise the voltage... its still very unstable on 1.97ghz even with high voltage 1.4500V(1.3650V stock) so now im running 1.92ghz with voltage of 1.400V just in case.. but i still dont understand why cant i overclock it more that 1.97Ghz can anyone help me PLEASE! this is the only computer i got and i dont have alot of money for a new cpu or pc so it would be nice to have it atleast running on 2.6Ghz stable so i could play some games on it. Thank You,
You don't really need expert knowledge to overclock, infact it's good to try it. As long as you keep the voltages sensible you cannot do much harm.
As a previous poster said you could have a poor chipset to overclock. There's a thing called the silicon lottery which basically means that you can get poorer performing chips that do not overclock very high. Chips are only designed to work at a validated clock speed, more than the clock speed is never gaurenteed and sometimes impossible unfortunately.

I have seen those chips clock to 3.2ghz in the past, perhaps someone with knowledge of the chip can help further.
soo i need to go find a man that makes this chip? or has high experience with it?
Were do i find something like that?!
i suspect it seems your motherboard is limiting your ability to overclock. i am surprised you cannot get past 247 on your FSB since your motherboard should support 266 with the CPUs (1066) listed that it supports:

do you know what number bios version you have?
do you believe you can update the bios w/o bricking (fubar) the board?

(please do not update the bios IF you think you can screw up the board)
Your problem is the board, the chipset that being the intel 945 doesn't handle high clocks very well and is crap even for a netburst celeron lol. Really that chipset struggles to reach 266/300mhz for higher end chips while it also runs extremely hot. I would replace the board and you can do so without having to reinstall the os provided that you used a different board with an intel chipset. Second the power vrm for this board also looks very very weak and may also be one more reason why you can't overclock your cpu very well.

A rebuild with a new board will go far.

i recently updated the bios to the newest version didnt help
i dont have the money to replace the board and if i would be doing so i would probably change to lga1115 socket i actualy already got one in mind (fatal1ty-p67-professional)
i recently found it for less than half a price that it cost slightly used so i am thinking of upgrading soon. any way the second option is to upgrade a cpu to quad core or something soo it would be cheeper but i still havent descited yet cuz now i'm thinking of geting 3gb's of ram atleast that's what i could do.
ok atleast your thinking about NOT putting money on old tech.i
BUT since your having a problem with a FSB of 247 and a quad is 266 you might end up with an unusable cpu. that intel 945 seems to be a POS if you are going to drop on more cent on that rig, look for a CHEAP (under $30)G41 chipset. the P35/45 and X38/48 are rare anymore. you would get better results with a G41 than what your doing now.
i didin't even knew that you can change the chip lol next week i will get about 200$ and then i will go to my local computer dealer to see what's what soo could u write down the best chip model for me that i should look for thanks.
P.s one more question i now have 1X1gb ddr2 and 1X512 ddr2 and my mb only has 2 slot's for ram and in my country(lithuania) 2Gb ddr2 ram costs about 50$ soo should i have 3Gb's of ram for only 50$ or pay extra 50$ for 2Gb of ram caset and have some spare parts(1x 1gb & 1x 512mb). Will theres gona be a big diffrence in performance becuz of that 1Gb Thx,
P.s.s Im a Very low budget gamer.

i hope you can find a motherboard with a G41 chipset. it will not overclock nearly as well as a P35 , P45 or X38, X48 chipset but you have a better chance of finding it.

and sometimes it is difficult to know what chip is on the motherboard. lots of times you need to go to the motherboard manufacturer's website and see. hopefully it will be on the box somewhere.

just get the 2Gb. unless you have a 64 bit windows, it will only "see" the 3 anyhow. and also that is a very old system and parts are expensive. here you can get 8 Gbs of DDR3 (which is newer) for $50. so may may want to avoid spending a lot of money.

good luck and let us know how it works out.

The best CPU you can run in your motherboard is the 2.4Ghz Q6600 65nm Conroe based Core2Quad. They have not been made in years and are very expensive compared to a modern new CPU if you can even find one. You would be spending money on dead tech. The best thing you can do is save money for a completely new build.