Unable to resume from sleep or hibernate


May 10, 2013
Hi all,
I'm having a real problem with my HTPC running Windows 7 64bit.

I have the Asrock A75-itx motherboard, AMD A6-3500 & 450W PSU.

I can enter sleep or hibernate without problem, and I can see the power led flashing accordingly. Problem is, pushing the power button or hitting a key on the USB keyboard doesn't wake the system. The only way I can wake the system is to flick the power switch on the back of the PSU, then push the power button.

Things I've tried :

* updating all drivers and installed Windows updates.
* removing all USB devices then pushing power
* flashing latest bios
* disabling hybrid sleep
* ensured sleep is enabled in bios

Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.

As I use this pc as ahtpc with XBMC it is rather annoying having to cold boot every time I want to watch it.


I've used sleep and hibernate in the past on PC and laptops without problem. I'm sure there must be some troubleshooting steps I can work through to get this working though.


The issue lies with Win 7. Regardless of other machines working with it or not... Each chipset, drivers etc are different. Each machine will react differently. here are some steps you can try. But the issue still remains with win 7 an I still suggest just turning it off.


More examples:
