Unable to view hard drive in Windows 8.1 after using Gparted?


May 7, 2012
I recently purchased an M.2 SSD for my laptop. After cloning the the hard drive to the SSD I wiped the original hard drive using Gparted. Strangely I'm unable to view the hard drive in Windows 8.1 but Gparted has no issue viewing the drive. I removed all partitions and left it unallocated. I also formatted it as NTFS but it's still not appearing in Windows. I would like to use it as a storage drive. I tried using the Windows partition manager as well as EaseUS partition manager but it's not finding the drive.

Am I missing something obvious here? Thank you.

It's a Western Digital 1TB 5400 WD10JPVX. It's not displayed in disk management so I can't assign a letter or do anything in Windows.


Thanks though this tool was unable to detect the disk as well. Do I need to format it in some way on Gparted?