Unbearable FPS Spikes

Sep 3, 2018
Hello there! I'm a casual CS:GO player and since like mid 2017 I never experienced this problem.
I've tried almost every method to fix it and I never got results.
I'm having hard FPS spikes, I mean that I play the game in a clean 200 fps, I have no high settings since I don't like them, I still have a smooth fps when I don't spike with them all up either way. So, like every game I get 6-8 fps for a solid 10-20 seconds and IT'S FRUSTRATING! It's been more than 1 year and I can't stand it no more. I want to say that I have a laptop and I didn't clean it in some months ( I will tomorrow, tho, maybe that's it! )
Ok, and my spec is:
i7 6498DU 2.60 GHZ
AMD Radeon R5 M430
Toshiba Motherboard ( since it is a Lenovo Ideapad )
What could be the problem? This happens in literally EVERY game and I can't deal with it anymore. I'm even up to pay for a granted fix!
Sep 3, 2018

I tried that already, but the whole PC lags out