Gosh that is a shockingly beautiful card... and to think AMD wouldn't have released it if Navi hadn't been delayed. I kind of really want one now, just from the looks. If it can even just match the RTX 2080 for $100 less, then AMD has a winner.
Also, I don't get the whole complaint about power draw... GPUs used to draw a LOT more power, and people like building high end systems with 750W, 850W, 1000W power supplies. Why would you build a system that needs so little power with such a huge power suppy, especially when peak efficiency is often near 2/3 to 3/4 load? Anyone building a high end consumer system (9900K or 2700X) with anything over a 600W (750W if overclocking) power supply will be able to drop this in and have it work just fine. If you are worried that much about your electricity bill, that 50W is going to be a problem, maybe turn off a light you keep on, or eat fewer hot pockets, or make your heater or AC work less by adjusting the temp in the room. I dunno, 50W doesn't seem like a deal breaker AT ALL to me.