Uncore frequency gulftown


Sep 16, 2014

I was wondering if anyone knows if my values are good.

i7-970 B1
Rampage III Extreme
6x2GB Dominator GT 2KMHz 8-9-8-24
2xGTX 690 SLI

BCLK: 192
Uncore: 3072
CPU: 4427
DRAM: 1924 8-9-8-24

My problem is that I can tell on tests that I get better CPU scores with higher uncore. At 3600 uncore i get a good 400-500p extra on CPU 3DMark11 compared to 2800 uncore.
I managed to stabilize my system at 3072 uncore but can't push it any further even with QPI/DRAM at 1.43V which seems a bit high. I can lower it by a good amount if I run at 3072 uncore but don't know if that is a good enough value.
I can also increase my Vcore by maybe 0.05-0.08 more.
Vdimm is at 1.68V.

I know gulftown only needs x1.5 DRAM freq but I need to know if 3072 is a good and high value or should I be able to go higher?

If so, would Vcore and Vdimm play any roles in higher uncore frequencies?

Should I settle for the 3072 or is that low?

I appreciate any help I can get.