Under Performing Computer


Nov 20, 2015
So I recently did a reinstall of windows 7 and reinstalled all drivers. After this Ive been having unusual performance for my pc and my cpu usage seems to be spiking and unstable. I cant even play games like csgo. Ive done multiple scans looking for viruses with malwarebytes, superantispyware, and antivirus. I also use CCleaner. But no viruses show up just adware tracking cookies. Im kind of stuck on what to do next and i would really appreciate some help.
Thank you.

CPU usuage spikes: MSI afterburner (http://imgur.com/PeiO9tQ) Task manager (http://imgur.com/3eirOm3) should svcshost.exe be so high?

Specs: Evga gtx 970
I5-4590 quad core
8 GB ram
h97 pro4 motherboard
windows 7 64bit ultimate

Here are the afterburner readings: http://imgur.com/a/4Rigl

My power supply is an EVGA 600wt 80 Plus (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438014)

I5 4590 @ 3.3GHz
More GPU info..:http://imgur.com/QFatkIf
Power settings are set to high performance

The HDMI is plugged directly from the GPU to the monitor. Could there be an issue with my GPU?

Accidentally marked your reply as "best solution".

Ok here is the info when playing csgo: http://imgur.com/a/rVDPS .

My fps in game arent staying at a steady rate. They jump from 300 all the way down into the 100. The game studders at the menu along with audio stutter.
There's nothing giving me a clue there.

What I am seeing is a card that is cold, it's not idle, it's at full speed, and is not fully utilised. So it has headroom to perform better.
From a CPU perspective a similar story, there's headroom in the CPU cores, they aren't overheating (unless it is staying in and idle clock speed).

Have you installed the mobo drivers? Has windows finished updating? Is it legitimate windows? In the nvidia control panel, under 3-d settings does it recognise cs-go? add it as an exe (i've had that have startling effects).

Your idle CPU usage doesn't great, but not too bad.

I believe I have all the correct drivers downloaded from the asrock website for my mobo. However i am not running on a legitimate windows. Control panel does show csgo.exe.

Ok, any suggestions on which one to get, Windows 7 or 8? Ill need to order a cd drive and windows version online...My buddy put windows on my computer with his flash drive. I had a feeling that could be an issue.
whatever is cheapest and legit, 64bit home premium is perfect for most folks, and then get the upgrade to 10. Or perhaps a straight 10 will be cheaper.

As an experiment you could sign up for the 10 trial and see if it fixes it, and then buy it, install from scratch to be safe.

Ok and how would I go about clearing everything and downloading a new legit copy?
The Insider Program stopped accepting new people about two weeks before the official launch of 10. Buying 10 directly is usually cheaper than an older OS at this point. Depending on where you are PCPartPicker or one of its regional affiliates will be the cheapest place to find a copy.


Ok i appreciate the info. Do you think 10 is the best way to go right now? Instead of windows 7 or 8. I ordered a disc tray and will most likely be ordering windows 10 as well. When it arrives do i just put it in the disc tray and go? Or should I clear my whole compuuter (back up any files i want to keep onto a flash drive) and start from scratch with windows 10. I have a pirated version of windows 7 and i think it is causing me problems and what to make sure i completely remove it.

Also, even though i have a non legit version of windows it still gives me the option to upgrade to windows 10 for free...
Back up anything you want to save and do a clean install with 10. That pirated 7 could have all kinds of fun stuff like keyloggers on it so I hope you haven't used it for banking and paying bills. 10 doesn't come on disk. You will have to either buy it on a special flash drive or or download it yourself. All you are buying is a license.
get the flash drive version plug it in, set the bios to boot from flash, or get your friend around and suggest that he install it as a favour for you not doing unspeakable things. Anort3 is right there could have been key loggers. start changing passwords, starting with your email address that you send any alerts about password changes / forgotten passwords to. you may think that we are trying to scare you, we are but with good reason.