After much back and forth with Customer Service of War Gaming ( World of Tanks) regarding my game crashing with no error message whatsoever, their last response was : "After checking your files, I could see that your computer is unstable, the only way for you to try to prevent these crashes is to underclock your graphic card.
Unfortunately, this is the only solution in your case. "
This doesn't make sense to me at all, since I been running this game in 2-3 years with no problem.
They released the latest patch ( 9.6) and since then, my game crashes every 4-5th match. No warning, no error message, absolutely nothing. Just...shuts down all by itself.
However, I tried absolutely everything I could find on line in order to fix the problem, including fresh install of the game ( a whole 6 times). Nothing seems to be working which is why I come to you.
Although is sounds crazy, I MUST consider that the Gods of WG suddenly hate my GPU, GPU which runs on factory settings btw. It has never been overclocked.
So, is WG's answer even based on any kind of truth? If so, how does one underclocks a GPU and should I even consider doing it ?
Please help me...
After much back and forth with Customer Service of War Gaming ( World of Tanks) regarding my game crashing with no error message whatsoever, their last response was : "After checking your files, I could see that your computer is unstable, the only way for you to try to prevent these crashes is to underclock your graphic card.
Unfortunately, this is the only solution in your case. "
This doesn't make sense to me at all, since I been running this game in 2-3 years with no problem.
They released the latest patch ( 9.6) and since then, my game crashes every 4-5th match. No warning, no error message, absolutely nothing. Just...shuts down all by itself.
However, I tried absolutely everything I could find on line in order to fix the problem, including fresh install of the game ( a whole 6 times). Nothing seems to be working which is why I come to you.
Although is sounds crazy, I MUST consider that the Gods of WG suddenly hate my GPU, GPU which runs on factory settings btw. It has never been overclocked.
So, is WG's answer even based on any kind of truth? If so, how does one underclocks a GPU and should I even consider doing it ?
Please help me...