Underperforming gtx 970


Mar 25, 2014
Need help solving this problem. Flushed the drivers and reinstalled them twice already. I have made 2 other forums that end short and no one answers me and trys to help me. I just need ways to fix this. Or if I should just get another one from the store(warranty covers it)
Amd fx6300, gtx 970, m5a97 r2.0, 8gb ram, evga 500W. I play h1z1, rust, unturned and witcher 3. I get 40fps average on h1z1, 40 average on rust and 60fps average on unturned. But the problem is that I have a 1600x900 monitor. I see benchmarks of people who game with my same gpu and get 60+fps on 2k resolution. I'm trying to figure out why it is underperforming

Screenshots of your cpu and gpu usage during a game please. I highly doubt your 970 is at 99% usage in any of those games listed with a 6300. They want very strong ipc, which the 6300 does not have. Any benchmark software like valley etc is useless.

Try reducing your resolution and see if your fps increases.

In what game or program. Each game and each program is completely different in cpu and gpu usage. I need more information to try to help you.
I played Witcher 3 and 1600x900 and got 99% usage, 2k resolution 99% usage and 4k resolution and 99% resolution. I didn't measure it in other games but during the valley benchmark it was 99%. At 1600x900,2k and 4k all 99% resolution.

When you increased resolution, what did your fps do, higher or lower.