Question Undervolting intel igpu via xtu ?

Jun 10, 2019
Greetings, I have a few questions to know about

-How can I undervolt my intel igpu via intel xtu(please tell both methods underclocking/undervolting and please also tell are these methods dangerous(hazards related to these methods )
-I am scared as according to this page "View:
If I undervolt my laptop igpu too much it can cause black screen of deaths as my cpu is i5 8250u and intel xtu available online has no watchdog service or even if it has I doubt it would be able to save from black screen of death
-intel xtu sometimes changes values of processor graphics voltage offset itself
-when I raised processor graphics voltage offset from -0.055v to -0.035v and ran cpu stress test it went straight to 93c and thermal throttling started

Please help,