I've been using a LaCie 4Big Quadra USB RAID system that I bought second hand - worked dandy for about 6 weeks. One morning, I woke to find all rear lights and the front light blinking blue - as though it were in its start-up sequence - and none of the LaCie's volumes accessible. It never finished startup. After fooling around with power cycling etc., I discovered that on boot, one drive would blink red once, then enter the normal blinking blue startup sequence. I pulled the drive (Drive 3) and booted - volumes now accessible and lights indicating a failed drive. Working just like you'd expect a RAID system to do. Replaced the failed drive with an exact match. Lights now indicate rebuilding, volumes and data accessible. Yay! Three days later, the rebuild is still active - next day I find front light alternating long blue and short red, lights on Drives 2-4 blinking 3 short blue and 1 long red, Drive 1 blinking blue - volumes inaccessible. This condition is not described in the user's guide. Any thoughts on what's going on here?