So, I go out to my garage this morning, right? I had left my ping pong table out form the previous night. So, I go over to the left side and push it upwards, cause to store it folds and locks at the top. Then, as it gets to the top, the whole table just collapses on the ground. It takes me about ten minutes to get it back up, and then it does it AGAIN when I try to fold it. Getting it off the ground for the second time, instead of trying to fold it up, I let it sit like i was about to play. I realize that the right side now folds about an inch over the left. Trying to find what is wrong, I find paint chips around bolts and gashes in the underside of the table. Assuming they are from the table falling on the ground, I can't find anything else that is wrong besides the overlapping tabletop. Any help?