Unexplained crashes in certain programs make everything else crash


Dec 8, 2010
I'm not sure if this is really the right area to post this in, but its close enough lol

I recently installed Windows 7 Professional x64, and suddenly I have all sorts of problems with programs crashing that never crashed before,

I first noticed this in FL Studio 9, It would run just fine for a while, but if i was working on a particularly cpu heavy section, suddenly the scope maxes out as if my sound card had quit or something, but this wasnt the case as sound was still working, I had installed from the file i had used on XP Professional x86, so i tried downloading a more recent one, and it still crashed in the exact same way. The weird thing is, after you force the program to exit any other program will have strange graphical issues, WLM will turn solid white, and you cant fix it, Chrome will gets all streaky whenever you scroll up or down, and if you do anything that uses it, flash will crash. The only way to make it quit doing all of this is to reboot. I figured maybe it was just some sort of bug in FL9, so i tried FL10, and it does the same thing, and this was kind of disappointing because fl9 is the main program i built this computer for, my old one just couldnt handle it, and this one worked fine with it on XP 🙁

Anyways, i thought this was exclusive to FL, but apparently its not; I downloaded the demo for Just Cause 2 off of Steam, and i played it for about 5 minutes, then it does the EXACT same thing... I wonder if it's a DirectX issue? I honestly dont know, I've only had 7 for 3 days now... Does anybody know whats going on? According to google this hasnt ever happened to anyone else, and I'm just insane 😛
ahh their we go the over clocking. Over clocking is cool and all but it is different when you change OS.

After the memory test. Save your setup and run and normal speeds, at least we will rule out that aspect.
So it was running while everything was intense right. Which means it could be a few things probably hardware related. I would run a RAM test and also a hard drive test. When everything goes weird have you tried just letting it sit for a minute or two.
It seems like its more likely to crash when its under a heavier load, ill run prime95 and see what happens, i have a pretty heavy overclock going on, but it used to be completely stable =\

Edit: Also, i don't know why i forgot to mention this, but after whatever application crashes and I get out of it, ill go to another program, and will get a Stack Overflow error within about 4 minutes, and then usually some sort of "the x0981024124 could not be read" error
ahh their we go the over clocking. Over clocking is cool and all but it is different when you change OS.

After the memory test. Save your setup and run and normal speeds, at least we will rule out that aspect.
Prime95 was still stable, but after an ordeal where I accidentally overclocked my cpu from 3.8 to 4.3 instead of from 3.8 to 3.4, everything is now at stock settings for the sake of troubleshooting lol
I.. what...
After changing back to the stock settings, not only is it not crashing, its actually considerably faster...

Before my was ram right on the edge of being unstable.... maybe since this is a 64bit version of windows the heavier loads were just too much for it?
"Right on the edge of being unstable" pretty much speaks for itself, I think. It means "any disturbance may screw you". And installing a 64-bit OS certainly qualifies as a disturbance.

Any time any overclocker experiences problems the very first gut reaction should be to reset all clock speeds back to normal to see if the problems persist. Computers are very stable and reliable at stock clock speeds - that's the reason the manufacturers choose them.