Unfixable external harddrive?

Jan 20, 2019
My brother gave me an external harddrive to fix, and I'm at a loss on how he messed it up. Plugging it in gives the "This disk is broken, fix it" thing but when doing that it just freezes, and trying to do anything in Disk Management or just formatting it in file explorer doesn't work. It's formatted in FAT32, a 1TB Seagate external hdd. Any suggestions help

Yeah I tried that, not recognized at all. Is the drive just dead?

Backups are what you do before the BadThing happens.

Last month, one of my SSDs died suddenly. 960GB SanDisk. No warning, nothing. Dead.
During a simple reboot, it disappeared. New cable, different port, Windows, Linux, external SATA dock...nothing worked.

605GB data gone gone gone.

Why did it die? Don't know, and mostly don't care.

Put in a new drive, click click...605GB data 100% recovered. Exactly as it was at 4AM that morning, when the last automated backup ran.

Couple years ago, I had a 5 week old 3TB WD drive go from perfect to dead in about 36 hours.
All drives are suspect, right from Day 1.