Hello. So when I woke up this morning I found that I can no longer connect to the internet on my desktop computer. It worked perfectly fine last night but alas, not today. I'm living in a dorm so I can't access or change the network itself. My laptop (which is also connected by cable) works just fine. I have tried:
*Restarting the computer several times
*Changing cables
*Manually changing ip and dns to that of my laptops
*Disabling windows firewall
*Using the troubleshoot feature in windows
to no avail. When I type ipconfig/all in command prompt I get:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 3:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix.:
Description................................: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller#3
Physical Address.......................: 94-DE-80-7F-5E-88
DHCP Enabled..........................: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled........: Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address.............: fe80::4966:2ec0:f07e:b31d%8 (Preferred)
Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address.: (Preferred)
Subnet Mask..............................:
Default Gateway.........................:
DHCPv6 IAID..............................: 143974016
DHCPv6 Client DUID..................: 00-01-00-01-1D-0C-E1-AD-60-E5-49-5F-28-7B
DNS Servers..............................: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1
NetBIOS over Tcpip....................: Enabled
Tunnel adapter isatap. {F1A1CE22-D7D1-4D6F-A537-A70C590A44D6}:
Media State................................: Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix..:
Description.................................: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter#3
Physical Address........................: 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP Enabled...........................: No
Autoconfiguration Enabled.........: Yes
When I try to ipconfig/release I get the very same numbers as above, and when I ipconfig/renew nothing happens at all.
This is the ipconfig/all of my laptop, which works:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix.: .
Description................................: Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller
Physical Address.......................: 74-86-7A-06-8C-82
DHCP Enabled..........................: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled........: Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address.............: (Im not supposed to type this out right?)
IPv4 Address.............................: (Im not supposed to type this out right?)
Subnet mask.............................: (
Lease Obtained........................: 24th sep
Lease Expires...........................: 29th sep
Default Gateway.......................:
DHCP Server............................:
DHCPv6 IAID............................: 259294842
DHCPv6 Client DUID................: 00-01-00-01-18-DF-07-4B-74-86-7A-07-8C-82
DNS Servers............................:
NetBIOS over Tcpip..................: Enabled
Also got bunch of numbers for
Wireless Lan adapter
Ethernet adapter Bluetooth
Wireless Lan adapter Wi-Fi
Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
Tunnel adapter isatap
Tunnel adapter 6T04_Adapter
ipconfig/release and /renew works just fine on my laptop.
Please ask if you need anything else, and I'm so grateful for any help!
edit: I wrote that nothing happens when I typed ipconfig/renew on my desktop, but apparently it was just loading for a long, long time. This is what came back: "An error occurred while renewing interface Ethernet 3: unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has timed out."
*Restarting the computer several times
*Changing cables
*Manually changing ip and dns to that of my laptops
*Disabling windows firewall
*Using the troubleshoot feature in windows
to no avail. When I type ipconfig/all in command prompt I get:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 3:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix.:
Description................................: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller#3
Physical Address.......................: 94-DE-80-7F-5E-88
DHCP Enabled..........................: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled........: Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address.............: fe80::4966:2ec0:f07e:b31d%8 (Preferred)
Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address.: (Preferred)
Subnet Mask..............................:
Default Gateway.........................:
DHCPv6 IAID..............................: 143974016
DHCPv6 Client DUID..................: 00-01-00-01-1D-0C-E1-AD-60-E5-49-5F-28-7B
DNS Servers..............................: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1
NetBIOS over Tcpip....................: Enabled
Tunnel adapter isatap. {F1A1CE22-D7D1-4D6F-A537-A70C590A44D6}:
Media State................................: Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix..:
Description.................................: Microsoft ISATAP Adapter#3
Physical Address........................: 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP Enabled...........................: No
Autoconfiguration Enabled.........: Yes
When I try to ipconfig/release I get the very same numbers as above, and when I ipconfig/renew nothing happens at all.
This is the ipconfig/all of my laptop, which works:
Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix.: .
Description................................: Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller
Physical Address.......................: 74-86-7A-06-8C-82
DHCP Enabled..........................: Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled........: Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address.............: (Im not supposed to type this out right?)
IPv4 Address.............................: (Im not supposed to type this out right?)
Subnet mask.............................: (
Lease Obtained........................: 24th sep
Lease Expires...........................: 29th sep
Default Gateway.......................:
DHCP Server............................:
DHCPv6 IAID............................: 259294842
DHCPv6 Client DUID................: 00-01-00-01-18-DF-07-4B-74-86-7A-07-8C-82
DNS Servers............................:
NetBIOS over Tcpip..................: Enabled
Also got bunch of numbers for
Wireless Lan adapter
Ethernet adapter Bluetooth
Wireless Lan adapter Wi-Fi
Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
Tunnel adapter isatap
Tunnel adapter 6T04_Adapter
ipconfig/release and /renew works just fine on my laptop.
Please ask if you need anything else, and I'm so grateful for any help!
edit: I wrote that nothing happens when I typed ipconfig/renew on my desktop, but apparently it was just loading for a long, long time. This is what came back: "An error occurred while renewing interface Ethernet 3: unable to contact your DHCP server. Request has timed out."