Uninstall drivers for new graphics card?


Feb 4, 2009
Upgrading from a 9800GTX+ to the new GTX 570 and already have the new 266.58 drivers installed. So is it really necessary to uninstall and then reinstall the same drivers? Or can I just swap out the cards? I'm thinking it would be fine to just swap them out and if there is a problem then I'll do a clean uninstall and reinstall.
OK thanks for verifying this.

One last quick question, do I need to plug-in the power connector for both of the outlets? I was under the impression I only needed one plug-in from my PS. I went ahead and plugged two in from my PS. I just wasn't sure about this, is that correct?
Well something is not right, I ran the Mafia 2 benchmark and it runs horrible with my new card. Then I ran the Just Cause 2 benchmark and about 20 seconds into it my PC shutdowns with my surge protector going off. Now I'm rebooted and got no error screens at start up.

Now I'm nervous!

I gotta 750 watt Corsair PSU only about 2 yrs old, don't think it's that.

Is there some setting I need to change or something?
Continued from this short thread.

I'm upgrading from a 9800GTX+ (single power connector) to the new GTX 570 (two power connector). Assumed I needed to use both so plugged in two cables from PS. After installing the card it appeared to be fine, checked device manager and it's recognized properly with no errors.

So far it has twice shut off the PC along with everything else plugged into my surge protector. Once when running the Mafia 2 benchmark and again with the Just Cause 2 benchmark. I obviously haven't even tried playing a game yet. Seems fine now at idle, just under load it shuts it all down.

I've read a few things about voltages or something? Maybe some setting in the BIOS? Or maybe the fan isn't working causing overheat?

Any help or input would be greatly appreciated.


OS: Vista 32-bit SP2
CPU: Q9950 2.83GHz
Memory: 4GB (3.3GB is seen) Corsair DDR2/800 Dual Channel
MB: Asus P5N-D
PSU: 750 Watt Corsair
Card: upgrading from 9800GTX+ to the new GTX 570 drivers 266.58

What are your temperatures? Download Hardware Monitor if you don't have it and watch the temps on your graphics card and cpu as you perform these tasks. A lot of times when you jump that much in graphics performance it really exposes your cpu. Your cpu may be overheating (due to the increased workload of having to feed so much graphics power) and may be shutting your system down.

Another thing that comes to mind is that you may be drawing too much from one outlet in your wall. I'm not sure what else you have in that surge protector, but that would about be the only reason I can think of that it would shut everything at that outlet off.

Try those things and see what happens. Maybe someone else has some better ideas.
beyond the surge protector, the corsair 750w should be more than enough for your system but if your psu or gpu are faulty then its not going to work, have you tried reformatting windows and reinstalling the drivers? can you test the gpu on a different system? is anything oc'ed?
Ok I see my two threads were merged, but wish my new title was used since I'm well pass my initial question.

Ok, plugging my PC into the wall outlet has gotten rid of the shutdown problems. At least appears to be, played games and benchmarks for hours now with no shutdowns. So I'm fairly confident this problem is solved.

Temps are fine using hardware monitor.

However performance is a problem.

Here's my benchmarks.

Mafia 2

* 9800GTX+:
Average FPS: 22.1
2nd run: 24.1

* GTX 570:
Average FPS: 24.4
2nd run: 24.2

Just Cause 2:

* 9800GTX+:
Dark Tower: 33.62 FPS
Desert Sunrise: 43.64
Concrete Jungle: 23.71

* GTX 570:
Tower: 55.73 FPS
Sunrise: 58.08
Jungle: 31.90

Armed Assault 2:

* 9800GTX+:
Benchmark 1: 35FPS
Benchmark 2: 15FPS

* 570:
Benchmark 1: 38FPS
Benchmark 2: 18FPS

Surely the 570 should be getting much better results than this? Even with my Quad Q9950 2.83GHz CPU being a bit of a bottleneck. Also want to note, no in-game graphics settings have been changed from switching my old card for new card.

Here's my 3DMARK11 results:


Could I possibly have damaged the card by not plugging it in right? (using Y adapter and not directly to PS) Or from the power drain on the UPS with the shutdowns?