Uninstall Windows from HDD?


Jun 19, 2012
Hi, not too long ago my hard drive died. To start using my computer again I installed Windows onto my second drive, which I had been using for Steam (now it has both).
The day has finally come, my SSD has arrived and I want to install Windows onto this drive, uninstall it off the second drive, but keep all my Steam games.
Since formatting my drive would delete everything on it, and I don't want to lose all my Steam games (which would be hard to download all of them again and their saves), I can't format.
Is there any other way to get Windows off my drive? Could I just delete the folder "Windows" on the other drive manually? Haha, probably not.

Sorry..should have been more clear.
After install on the SSD, ensure you have you game save files saved somewhere OUTSIDE the windows installation.
Then you can simply delete the Windows folder.
Google for "how to move a steam installation" (i can't do it from here). That will...
Yes, that IS what you do. After the install on the new drive (and all the steps to do that), wipe out the Windows install on the old drive.

As for Steam..Install the Steam client, and then you have to change the target where the games are installed. They are not on the C drive anymore.
Or, if your SSD is large enough, you can move your Steam install to the SSD.

By "that is what you do" and "wipe out Windows on the old drive" do you mean format it?

Sorry..should have been more clear.
After install on the SSD, ensure you have you game save files saved somewhere OUTSIDE the windows installation.
Then you can simply delete the Windows folder.
Google for "how to move a steam installation" (i can't do it from here). That will tell you how to move the Steam stuff.

Actually, on my second hard drive, the game saves are all located inside my Steam folder, which is in a folder called Steam under C:. It is not in program files! Because my SSD is only 120GB and my Steam is over 400GB, I'll be using a program called Steam Mover :) Thanks