Uninstalling Ubuntu from Windows 7.


Sep 17, 2010
Hello, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 inside Windows, so there is a directory on my HDD listed as C:/ubuntu. My computer dual boots Windows 7 and Ubuntu now, at startup. Now, this is where it gets interesting. Normally, if I wanted to uninstall Ubuntu, I would go to Add/Remove Programs, and select Ubuntu, and la dee da, done. However, I was having general computer issues, and I decided to back up my software, and reinstall Windows 7 and Ubuntu, though this time, I decide to partition the drive. I backed up my essential things on a thumb drive, and I went ahead with the OS reinstallation. I knew that I was going to be left with a Windows.old folder, and that was fine. However, after the reinstallation, the ubuntu directory was still there, in its original location. My computer still dual boots, and it asks me to choose between ubuntu (my partitioned version) and windows 7, and when i choose windows 7, it asks me again to choose between ubuntu (inside windows) and windows 7. and Ubuntu still works when I select it on start-up. However, Ubuntu is now not listed under the add remove programs list. I try clicking on a file called uninstall-wubi.exe within the ubuntu folder, and nothing happens. Is there a way that I can get rid of it without comprising anything else