Question Unknown micro stuttering in games.

Jun 1, 2023
Recently I put together my first pc, and ever since day 1, It has been stuttering everywhere, randomly, and for no reason at all.
I mainly use this for playing minecraft, portal 2, and some warzone.

System specs:
Ryzen 9 7900X,
RTX 4070 Ti,
RM850x PSU,
TUF B650 Plus wifi,
32GB vengeance 5200mhz ram with expo enabled in bios (I tried running with and without expo, and there was no stutter difference)
Samsung 980 512gb ssd (halfway full)

I found this person who has similar specs to me, and I tried everything that they did but nothing helped.

I also set my windows power plan to high performance, and updated my bios to the latest provided by Asus, and disabled my iGPU in the bios.

Here is the performance stats playing minecraft with complementary shaders:

This is the cpu usage during the gameplay:

CapFrameX data:



Are those GPU spikes normal?

I'm really confused, does anyone have any idea how the stutters are occurring? My CPU never hits above 70 degrees while gaming, and nothing else is running in the background.
My GPU also surprisingly stays below 65 degrees with the fans never kicking in.

Thanks for your help.

[EDIT] Removed "CPU intensive" from title, because I realized that it was not true for all the games.
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Thank you so much! This drastically lowered the amount of stutter that I was receiving, and makes the game more playable. At this point, I just don't know what to do with the remaining stutter, so I guess its just cursed or something.

This sounds random and dumb, but could my monitor be the issue? The refresh rate is 59hz, so if the game was at 60fps would any frames be skipping?
Refresh rate shouldn't be a problem. You could try it if you want since it doesn't hurt either way.

The only other thing I can think of is reinstalling the drivers but checking the "Clean installation" box when doing so.
Jun 1, 2023
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

What BIOS version are you currently on for your motherboard?

I mainly use this for playing games.
Can you please pass on the games that you've taxed the system with?
Thanks for the welcome,

I'm currently running bios version 1616,

I play mainly minecraft, portal 2, and some warzone (I'm bad at warzone lol).

The only game I can run with the least amount of stutters is the first portal, for the rest of the games and every other game, the stutters are the same as the ones that I described in minecraft.

I do also play FNF, but it runs perfectly smooth because it is 2d.
You may need to limit the game's processor affinity to the first 12 logical CPUs. To do that
  • Open Task Manager as an administrator (if your primary account isn't one)
  • Go to the Details tab
  • Right click on the game
  • Select "Set affinity"
  • Tick CPU0 to CPU11 and untick CPU12 to CPU23
The reason for this is the 12 cores on the processor are split among two CCDs chips. If the game uses a core from the other CCD for some reason, that core needs the data from the other CCD's cache, which causes a latency penalty.
My bad, I forgot to give context,

The recording was of me walking through a tunnel, with nothing going on except walking. The tunnel was closed off, and no entities were around. The tunnel itself, was a rectangle.
If the GPU load spike is happening while in the tunnel, then yes, I'd say that's a problem because there shouldn't be much to render.

However, I also suspect that if the actual load on the GPU dropped because you were in a tunnel, then the GPU thought it could drop the clock speed, which would increase the apparent load on graphs. If this is the case, then there's going to be a hiccup trying to get the GPU back up to speed once there's more things to do.

So basically, a chart showing the GPU clock speed would help.
Jun 1, 2023
If the GPU load spike is happening while in the tunnel, then yes, I'd say that's a problem because there shouldn't be much to render.

However, I also suspect that if the actual load on the GPU dropped because you were in a tunnel, then the GPU thought it could drop the clock speed, which would increase the apparent load on graphs. If this is the case, then there's going to be a hiccup trying to get the GPU back up to speed once there's more things to do.
That makes a ton of sense, thank you so much for the help! I'm going to research more on GPU clock speed ramping and see if I can find anything.
Jun 1, 2023
If the GPU load spike is happening while in the tunnel, then yes, I'd say that's a problem because there shouldn't be much to render.

However, I also suspect that if the actual load on the GPU dropped because you were in a tunnel, then the GPU thought it could drop the clock speed, which would increase the apparent load on graphs. If this is the case, then there's going to be a hiccup trying to get the GPU back up to speed once there's more things to do.

So basically, a chart showing the GPU clock speed would help.
I wasn't able to find much online about GPU clock speed ramping up and down, but here is the graph

The spikes are when they climb to maximum clock (This is just walking in the tunnel no obs, no background apps) The stutters don't occur during the spikes though, they occur randomly throughout the chart.
I wasn't able to find much online about GPU clock speed ramping up and down, but here is the graph

The spikes are when they climb to maximum clock (This is just walking in the tunnel no obs, no background apps) The stutters don't occur during the spikes though, they occur randomly throughout the chart.
Try this:
  • Download and install MSI Afterburner if you haven't already
  • Launch MSI Afterburner
  • Click on the "Curve Editor" button (if you're using the default skin, it's on the bottom left)
  • Find the point where it matches the video card's base clock speed (which for the 4070 Ti is around 2300MHz)
    • If you want to know what clock speed that point is for, if you click on it, it'll show you the clock speed on the left
  • Click on that point and press CTRL + L, then on the main window, press "Apply" or the button with a checkmark in a circle. This will force the GPU to run at that speed
See this video for how to do this:
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Jun 1, 2023
Try this:
  • Download and install MSI Afterburner if you haven't already
  • Launch MSI Afterburner
  • Click on the "Curve Editor" button (if you're using the default skin, it's on the bottom left)
  • Find the point where it matches the video card's base clock speed (which for the 4070 Ti is around 2300MHz)
    • If you want to know what clock speed that point is for, if you click on it, it'll show you the clock speed on the left
  • Click on that point and press CTRL + L, then on the main window, press "Apply" or the button with a checkmark in a circle. This will force the GPU to run at that speed
See this video for how to do this:
Thank you so much! This drastically lowered the amount of stutter that I was receiving, and makes the game more playable. At this point, I just don't know what to do with the remaining stutter, so I guess its just cursed or something.

This sounds random and dumb, but could my monitor be the issue? The refresh rate is 59hz, so if the game was at 60fps would any frames be skipping?
Thank you so much! This drastically lowered the amount of stutter that I was receiving, and makes the game more playable. At this point, I just don't know what to do with the remaining stutter, so I guess its just cursed or something.

This sounds random and dumb, but could my monitor be the issue? The refresh rate is 59hz, so if the game was at 60fps would any frames be skipping?
Refresh rate shouldn't be a problem. You could try it if you want since it doesn't hurt either way.

The only other thing I can think of is reinstalling the drivers but checking the "Clean installation" box when doing so.
Jun 1, 2023
Refresh rate shouldn't be a problem. You could try it if you want since it doesn't hurt either way.

The only other thing I can think of is reinstalling the drivers but checking the "Clean installation" box when doing so.
Alright, I'm just going to use DDU and then hope for the best. Thank you for all your help and support!