W wesleysandy Prominent Feb 12, 2018 1 0 510 Feb 12, 2018 #1 How do i bypass the harddisk security SATA port 0 SAMSUNG MZNTE256HMHP LOCK ON A Lenovo yoga 3 pro -1370
How do i bypass the harddisk security SATA port 0 SAMSUNG MZNTE256HMHP LOCK ON A Lenovo yoga 3 pro -1370
COLGeek Cybernaut Moderator Apr 6, 2009 57,839 4,592 179,340 Feb 12, 2018 #2 Contact Lenovo for assistance and be prepared to provide proof of ownership. Discussions on how to bypass security measures are not allowed. We have no means to verify the ownership of the device in question. Upvote 0 Downvote
Contact Lenovo for assistance and be prepared to provide proof of ownership. Discussions on how to bypass security measures are not allowed. We have no means to verify the ownership of the device in question.