I think I may have an unreliable power supply. Basically whenever I play a demanding game, it'll run smoothly for a while then it will lag like crazy then go smooth again. I have two monitors so while I was playing I had CPU-Z and GPU-Z open. I noticed when this lag occurs, the vcore drops from 1.42 to 0.93 in CPU-Z and looking at GPU-Z at the time the vcore drops I notice the perfcap shows that it is being limited by utilisation. When the vcore goes back to 1.4 I get VRel and VOp which are about the voltage reliability or so it says. So I'm thinking maybe the problems are related. However I know nothing about this stuff and any advice on how to prevent this from happening would be greatly appreciated.
CPU = fx-4170 (default clock)
GPU = GTX 660 ti
PSU = xpower? 780Watts (No rating)
CPU = fx-4170 (default clock)
GPU = GTX 660 ti
PSU = xpower? 780Watts (No rating)