unsolved issue cpu, mobo, ram


Dec 25, 2014
Hey guys, so last december i was using my computer quite fine until suddenly it black screened then turned off. I looked inside my case and found that my liquid cooler had a few drips ontop of my GPU, I cleaned it off and tried to start it up, no luck. Months later I purchased a new gpu and heatsink since my old one went bad, a non-liquid one. I tried to boot it to still find no signal and went on to troubleshot the problem myself, it turns out my ram cards might've been damaged due to my mishandling of the product while trying to fix my pc, one of my 8gb ram works while the other one doesn't post. The issue now is with one of the ram posting, I can get into bios only for it to freeze about 10-15 seconds later, while attempting to reinstall on a new HHD gives same results. But my computer does not freeze when I put in no BootMgr it stays on that screen with no trouble, doesn't freeze up. So i'm thinking the problem lies in my cpu, my mobo, or ram.

My Specs
Intel i7-5820k processor 3.3ghz CPU
Asrockx99 extreme3 motherboard
Forgot my ram spec but 8gb(have a new one coming in today hoping thats the problem)
Msi Nvidia 1060 TI gaming 4gb GPU
EVGA 500w psu

side note
I have bought a new cmos battery and also cleared my bios, didn't change anything.
With the mobo speaker on I get one short beep on launch when holding F2 to go into bios but no beep when i let it run normally (not sure whats the problem here)
I checked my mobo for any faulty capacitators, nothing.
My pc only posts with the ram in a specific slot as the other ones gives me no signal.
Replaced my old 700w psu with a 500w still the same problem.
No I bought this mobo 3 years ago from buying it built at IBuyPower. I didnt notice any leaks on my mobo from the leak, the leak was rather small just a few drips to fry my gpu didnt notice any liquid on any other parts