Question unstable internet 3 weeks now


Jun 16, 2023
Ive made previous post about my issues here
I finally got my own modem and the guy helping me set it up over the phone noticed my download speed was fluctuating a lot and my upload was stuck at 5 , I pay for 300/20
I have a tech coming thursday and was wondering what should i tell them?
I dont know a lot about this stuff but i did manage to log into my modem and noticed a lot of uncorretables idk what that means but it doesnt sound good. View:

is there anything i can fix my self? I looked at the wire coming from my house to the box outside and it looks fine so im not 100% sure whats going on. getting a lot of packet loss , high jitter , and super inconsistent ping. any help would be great.


Ive made previous post about my issues here
I finally got my own modem and the guy helping me set it up over the phone noticed my download speed was fluctuating a lot and my upload was stuck at 5 , I pay for 300/20
I have a tech coming thursday and was wondering what should i tell them?
I dont know a lot about this stuff but i did manage to log into my modem and noticed a lot of uncorretables idk what that means but it doesnt sound good. View:

is there anything i can fix my self? I looked at the wire coming from my house to the box outside and it looks fine so im not 100% sure whats going on. getting a lot of packet loss , high jitter , and super inconsistent ping. any help would be great.
Here is an article on interpreting your cable modem data --
Your signal statistics all seem good.
Your uncorrectables are very low.


Do u have any idea what could be my issue then because this is just crazy at this point , I have no idea what could be the issue
Have you done the basic ping tests? Ping your router IP continuously. And simultaneously ping continuously. You should have zero variability to your router. If you don't have dropped packets to then you (or your ISP) may have problems getting to the particular server you desire. That problem could be on the server end.


Jun 16, 2023
Have you done the basic ping tests? Ping your router IP continuously. And simultaneously ping continuously. You should have zero variability to your router. If you don't have dropped packets to then you (or your ISP) may have problems getting to the particular server you desire. That problem could be on the server end.
oh yeah in my first link i have a bunch of cmd test there I think, but not I never have any packet loss to the router only to , google , or yahoo. a lot of request timed out and high ping like 30ms to 250ms ping jumps. I guess I dont have test but heres a link View:


Jun 16, 2023
oh yeah in my first link i have a bunch of cmd test there I think, but not I never have any packet loss to the router only to , google , or yahoo. a lot of request timed out and high ping like 30ms to 250ms ping jumps
heres what the cables look like outside , there are 2 3 way splitters and a total of 3 internet lines and 1 satalitte line on the box idk what its called


heres what the cables look like outside , there are 2 3 way splitters and a total of 3 internet lines and 1 satalitte line on the box idk what its called
You have garbage cabling. Why don't you fix it? If that box is exclusively for your service. Clean it up. Splitters that have one in and one out should be removed and replaced with a barrel connector. It may not make ANY difference, as I said your cable modem signals look OK.


Jun 16, 2023
You have garbage cabling. Why don't you fix it? If that box is exclusively for your service. Clean it up. Splitters that have one in and one out should be removed and replaced with a barrel connector. It may not make ANY difference, as I said your cable modem signals look OK.
I havent fixed it cause I have no idea how to do that or where to even begin. Also i dont wanna mess it up and then my lazy ass ISP optimum that hates me wont wanna help even though they arent anyway.


Per the referenced link in Post #1 and the images in the thread, the cabling is indeed a mess.

Even a "lazy" ISP would not leave a mess like that - especially when potential problems are obvious.

It is not to the ISP's advantage to have to continue fielding your calls and sending out techs and/or supervisors. Or have customers continuing to open official complaints about services (or lack thereof) via government agencies.

Opening a new post is not going to solve the cited problems.


If you are not able to or unwilling/hesitant to fix the mess and the box is your responsibility (not the ISPs responsibility) then you need to find/hire a knowledgeable person to clean things up or to help you to do so.

As stated, the cleanup (per @kanewolf) may or may not make a difference. Based on the posted images, I believe that doing a cleanup will likely make a difference. I could be wrong. However, replacing splitters with barrel connectors etc. (as suggested) being a very good start.

Even if the problems continue, a clean up will certainly eliminate a lot of possibilities. And give you a chance to document or map out the cable runs and connections.

If the box is not your responsibility then the box should be left alone and problems brought to the attention of whomever is the box owner.

Where is the box located? Who has access to the box? Consider that someone else has tapped into the provided services.


Jun 16, 2023
Per the referenced link in Post #1 and the images in the thread, the cabling is indeed a mess.

Even a "lazy" ISP would not leave a mess like that - especially when potential problems are obvious.

It is not to the ISP's advantage to have to continue fielding your calls and sending out techs and/or supervisors. Or have customers continuing to open official complaints about services (or lack thereof) via government agencies.

Opening a new post is not going to solve the cited problems.


If you are not able to or unwilling/hesitant to fix the mess and the box is your responsibility (not the ISPs responsibility) then you need to find/hire a knowledgeable person to clean things up or to help you to do so.

As stated, the cleanup (per @kanewolf) may or may not make a difference. Based on the posted images, I believe that doing a cleanup will likely make a difference. I could be wrong. However, replacing splitters with barrel connectors etc. (as suggested) being a very good start.

Even if the problems continue, a clean up will certainly eliminate a lot of possibilities. And give you a chance to document or map out the cable runs and connections.

If the box is not your responsibility then the box should be left alone and problems brought to the attention of whomever is the box owner.

Where is the box located? Who has access to the box? Consider that someone else has tapped into the provided services.
I do not own the box , I live in a duplex and the box is located at first unit on the side of the house on unit 1 , im on unit 2. Anyone has access to the box really its just open just hanging there. my ISP did leave it like that thought . they set it up that way. If i did wanna fix it i just need a couple barrel connectors and thats it?


Who owns the box? Do you rent or own your unit?

Does the other unit receive service from the box?

Who is paying for ISP service?

If you rent then the box could be the landlord's responsibility. If applicable check the lease agreement.

A couple of barrel connectors could be a good start. But there needs to be a full understanding of the various cables and connections.

You may fix your problem but cause problems for the other tenant(s). That will not end well.

If the box is truly "yours" with no one else connected between ISP - box - your network then you can plan and implement a methodical cleanup.

Cleanup going one step at at time checking everything with each step. And having someone to help.

Key is a good diagram showing all cables, splitters, connections (used or unused), and devices that are affected.

The diagram would be used to identify and replace redundant splitters, unused/terminated ports, cut/unterminated cables, wall outlets, and so forth.

And any satellite cables and connections need to be included. Is that another active service?


Jun 16, 2023
Who owns the box? Do you rent or own your unit?

Does the other unit receive service from the box?

Who is paying for ISP service?

If you rent then the box could be the landlord's responsibility. If applicable check the lease agreement.

A couple of barrel connectors could be a good start. But there needs to be a full understanding of the various cables and connections.

You may fix your problem but cause problems for the other tenant(s). That will not end well.

If the box is truly "yours" with no one else connected between ISP - box - your network then you can plan and implement a methodical cleanup.

Cleanup going one step at at time checking everything with each step. And having someone to help.

Key is a good diagram showing all cables, splitters, connections (used or unused), and devices that are affected.

The diagram would be used to identify and replace redundant splitters, unused/terminated ports, cut/unterminated cables, wall outlets, and so forth.

And any satellite cables and connections need to be included. Is that another active service?
Probably my landlord and I rent the unit (2). I know one of my neighbors have service from optimum unit(3) and I’m not entirely sure about unit one she’s difficult to talk to she’s pretty old so I’m not entirely sure she’s unit (1)
I pay for the service my self . Where can I learn about stuff like this cause I would really like to try.


I understood that the service was to a duplex (two units). Now it appears that there are three units.

And thus more places and ways for degraded services.

Start the "learning curve" by diagramming/mapping all connections beginning with the incoming service cable from the ISP.

Seeing and understanding the big picture is important before doing anything.


Jun 16, 2023
I would start by talking to the other tenants. Find out if their internet is also problematic. Find out if they have cable TV service. Talk to your landlord. Get information from the others involved.
Okay well one of them just left for work and unit 1 where the box is located she’s non verbal so I can’t really interact with her so I’ll just have to wait anything I can do in the meantime ?