Unstable PCI-E Voltage?


Oct 6, 2010
Recently purchased an auros gtx 1080 and upon plugging it in i noticed the pci-e voltage indicators on the card were flashing - indicating an unstable voltage. I double checked the pci cables were plugged in properly both to the card and psu with still no change, i then replaced the cables with new ones, again, still no change. Is this enough to infer there is something wrong with my PSU? The PSU I'm using now (AX860) was a replacement for another PSU (AX850) I had previously sent off, so I'm not sure why I'd have such bad luck with a presumably high end PSU. Is it possible having my PSU plugged into a surge protector that shares power with the monitor and then into a wall could be causing this? I have no idea what cold be causing this so any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Yeah that sounds like a bad card. Have you had it beyond the return policy?

I'd just go down there and do an exchange and give your reason for exchange that the card faulty. You should not have to do an RMA within your return/exchange period.

If they don't help you out and you're within the return period be sure to write them an accurate Yelp review.

Test it by unplugging the PSU from the surge protector and plugging it directly into the wall outlet.

Unfortunately I don't have another PSU to test it with, so I might need to take it in to get tested. I've got a feeling this is probably what it is.

I tested this morning whether or not it would make a difference and unfortunately it didn't. It looks like I might have a faulty PSU. Thanks for the feedback.

Ok so I did some testing today using another PSU and I'm still getting the same flashing lights. I also tested it again in another system entirely with a different motherboard and PSU etc and, again, got the same flashing lights. This is a pretty clear indicator the issue is occurring at the GPU. Called up the retailer and he said that if the GPU seems to be running ok (it artifacts in certain games), then there's no issue... is there any potential of the card damaging other parts of my PC if the card is indicating an unstable voltage? Any further feedback on this would be greatly appreciated.

I know. I told him about the artifacting but he almost implied that was normal in his response... I'll be applying for an RMA anyway, I'm just hoping I don't get screwed over.
Yeah that sounds like a bad card. Have you had it beyond the return policy?

I'd just go down there and do an exchange and give your reason for exchange that the card faulty. You should not have to do an RMA within your return/exchange period.

If they don't help you out and you're within the return period be sure to write them an accurate Yelp review.

Well I've only had it for a week or so, so I guess that should be fine. I was inclined to go in anyway just to make sure.
Thanks again for the replies.