Unstable system after overclocking the CPU.


I installed my old i7 920 after coming across the article to overclock it to 4GHz, to try out the overclock. The overclocking session went fine and the system easily booted at 4GHz 190x21. And every thing was stable, ~40c idle and ~75c load so I decided to use it a couple of days. But when I tried to lower the clocks the system kept on crashing when playing far cry blood dragon or dead island.
The 4GHz works fine at night due to lower temperature but crashes at day, which I am pretty sure is due to high room temp during daytime.
Default clocks crash all the time.
try your default clocks with slightly higher voltages then base. you might have "worn out" the cpu a little bit with those temps.

Frankly, i can't believe i just wrote those words, as i don't think i've ever seen anything like it. so if someone else has advice that doesn't sound like complete nonsense (like that one did to me) please listen to them.

in the mean time test out my stupid theory.
When I used the CPU I didn't have any aftermarket cooler and was very last to change the thermal paste or even clean the fins of the cooler, so the temp reached 50~60C in ile and 95+ on load when I tested it using Everest Ultimate, and 99C in load using prime95 torture test, but the system never crashed. So I don't think the problem is due to temp.
Since the computer is only crashing when I play games , can it be due to the GPU?
Exactly what aftermarket CPU cooler are you running?

Those temperatures are far from what I would want to be seeing!

I would straight out suggest your after market CPU cooler is just not good enough.

So I don't think the problem is due to temp.


Those 95c ~ 99c load temperatures are high enough to cause throttling, and that will definitely crash in a game.

I would suggest a CPU cooler on the quality level of the suggestions below as these are the best of the best.




It seems like you ventured into overclocking half dressed, kinda like a gunslinger that forgot to tie down his holster but still managed to win the gun fight.

The key now is solve your cooling issues before they lead to hardware failure, or your next gun fight may be your last.

Forgive the gunfight analogy, I'm just trying to make a solid point with you, of how important good cooling is to overclocking!

At a 4.5ghz 2700K overclock I have achieved load temperatures lower than your idle temperatures, I am not suggesting you adopt my cooling solution because I am water cooling, just bring yours much lower than you are now by investing in a much better air cooler.
It did cause throttling at 95 C with stock cooler
I was using Thermalright ultra 120 extreme rev c http://www.thermalright.com/html/archives/cpu_heatsink/ultra_120_extreme_revc.html
This is the exact heat s nk that is used in the overclocking tutorial. Plus I installed another fan 2 cooler master xtra flow 90 cfm fans.

Also the teMp reached 95+ during a Everest stress test when I was using the stock intel cooler with no OC. After OC to 4GHz the max temp reached in the AIDA stress test is 70-75 for the cores and 65-70C for the CPU. The system never crashed when the CPU and FPU were stressed.

According to this review my temp are not bad.
The Thermalright Ultra Extreme 120 is an excellent heat sink, with 2 Scythe 110cfm cooling fans it out performs the stock Noctua NH-D14.

It is one of the coolers presently cooling my peltier setup.

So unless it is installed using too much thermal compound, for a 4ghz overclock the load temps do seem high for it's cooling capabilities?

On to the default problem;

Sometimes the overclocking procedure boot and reboot, corrupts the graphics drivers, uninstall them, restart the computer and reinstall them and see if that resolves the issue?

Another possible problem is when you returned the BIOS settings to default, before doing so, did you clear the CMOS and then reset all the BIOS settings from scratch?

The temperature where I keep the CPU case reach 40-48C during summer afternoons, so I think the temperatures can't be any lower than that.

I will download the latest drivers tonight and update

To use the default settings
First I loaded a pre saved profile
Second used load optimized defaults
And lastly used the clr CMOS switch.

There was a problem with my AMD drivers, the dxgmms1.sys BSOD made it even more clear. After the driver new installation the system is running stable. Current clocks 160x21 3.3GHz, will try 190x21 and report back.