Until windows 7 comes out..


Sep 7, 2009
I just bought everything for my new pc at tigerdirect and I'm not sure if its worth just sticking with vista for now, or should I just use the Windows 7 RC for now? Thanks!!
+1 to scotteq. If you use the RC, keep in mind that it is strongly recommended to clean install the final version. You can only upgrade with everything transferred for you by means of an unsupported and officially discouraged workaround. If you really want to have everything transferred when you go to Win7, and already own a copy of Vista, go with Vista for now.
Download W7 RTM, just check MD5 to make sure You get untouched version and use it without a key for 30 days, then use rearm function to get another 30 days, you can do this uptto 3 times giving total up to 120 days use without key. When W7 hits retail shelves buy Yourself a copy and use key from that to activate Windows. Make sure you install the same version You are intending to buy. Yuo might need to modify RTM disk to install version You want.

Yah, that's possible and legal. (I think legal, but don't quote me on it; I'm no lawyer.) Just be very careful to check the MD5 checksum to make sure you don't get a modified copy.

Alright that sounds pretty good, so I would only have to activate it and not have to reinstall everything nice.

To make sure you can activate w/o a reinstall, install the trial version of the edition you plan on buying the product key for. Not sure, but most likely either a Retail or OEM key will do.

If you got it through from MSDN via your school, it might have already come with an activation key. If so, you're fine. Windows 7 RTM is the final version (until SP1 comes out). Enjoy Win7 over a month before the rest of us!

Yeah I think it did, thanks heh