Hello there. This is the first time that I actually use this website, and it already looks fantastic. I hope that the community here can help me out with this, rather simple, question I have.
I recently build my first computer from scratch. A little powerful machine, using the Maximus VI Impact motherboard. Anyway, I've installed everything, but is left with quite a few unused pins on the motherboard, and I'm quite curious about what I can use those for.
I wanna pimp my little machine as much as possible, so if anyone know any small extensions like LED's, something for cooling the machine - anything really, that I can install using the unused pins, that would be amazing.
Thanks in advance
I recently build my first computer from scratch. A little powerful machine, using the Maximus VI Impact motherboard. Anyway, I've installed everything, but is left with quite a few unused pins on the motherboard, and I'm quite curious about what I can use those for.
I wanna pimp my little machine as much as possible, so if anyone know any small extensions like LED's, something for cooling the machine - anything really, that I can install using the unused pins, that would be amazing.

Thanks in advance