Question Unusual Question but hardware related


Jan 19, 2012
I apologize if this is the wrong place for my question but didn’t know who else to ask & some of you are expert on hardware so that you might know. Tried to google but no definitive answer.

I just bought LG Dual Inverter 1.5 Ton A/C & Outdoor unit fan stops after set temp is reached. It also does not start for 10 to 15 minutes or sometimes not at all if indoor temp goes 2 or 3 degrees above set temp.

Also at night many times it keeps running beyond set temp bringing the temp so low that I shiver & wake up.

Before purchasing Several Sales people told me that neither Fan nor Compressor completely stop even when set tem is reached. They only slow down.

So what is the truth ? Does outdoor unit fan stop when desired temp is reached ? The compressor certainly does not so what happens then ? & is there something wrong with my A/C.

Again please forgive me if this is not the right forum.

Thank You
First Thank You for reply.
Clock is correct, I just checked it & it is not programmed to run at specific time. I manually start & stop as needed.
Outdoor unit is mounted on a wall outside my office where I can see, feel, touch & even clean if needed & I have been constantly monitoring it by looking at the fan on outside unit.
I have been running at 29 Celsius starting at 9:00 AM & now after 6 Hrs. it is getting cold so I checked the fan & it is still running & remote shows room temp at 28 but outdoor fan is running at full speed & cool air coming in so compressor is also running.

Update : Just few minutes ago I raised the indoor unit to 30 Celsius & now outdoor fan has stopped spinning completely.

Remote has been showing 1 Celsius lower than set temp ( and room temp ) right from the beginning.
in which mode is your A/C running?
manual or auto mode or Dehumidification Operation ? Eventually heating?

delay timer not set?

sleeptimer or jet mode on?

do you have power outages going on sometimes? on which position is the Slide Switch Operation? remote, forced or auto restart?