Unwanted Download usage - Is this possible Malware?


Nov 18, 2013
I recently found out last month we had over 200 GB internet usage with Rogers (we normally pull 40-60 GB)
So after a virus scan with AVG free and malware scan with Malware Bytes Premium, it found some 'PuPs' which I removed. But we're still getting usually high day-to-day bandwidth usage.

Edit: we have 2 devices that use internet: desktop PC and my laptop
After using Bitmeter OS it seems that beween 9am - 10am every day "something" is downloading 2-7 GB of data in 1 hour on my laptop. This is without my permission and I have yet to figure out what is doing it. I will have to wait until tommorow to "catch" the program in the act.

But I've done several scans with MBAM and nothing new has come up. What could be the possible cause of this? Our Wifi is WPA2 secure so I doubt it's being stolen.

Edit: I used Bitmeter OS to monitor data usage
I use Networx Desk Band, it puts a indicator in my tray, so I can see what is happening all the time without taking up real estate on the screen. As for 'waiting till tommorrow', why? Just click your clock in the bottom right, reset the time to like 850AM then wait with Task Manager and Bitmeter or as I use Networx and see what happens? BTW make sure to select the check bot in bottom left to 'see all processes' and as well sort by usage, so you can see what pops to the top of the list.

Now just to mind you a few things, if your running Windows 8, this can be the synching of your online data to your PC, this is supposed to happen (all your my documents, my music, etc.) so if the PC dies, you log back in with your Microsoft ID on your...
Hmmm.. Well first your speaking about overall USAGE and then your speaking about your specific computer. Let's take a step back and not confuse the two.

So the Resource Monitor your 'seeing' these GB of data downloading (which is unusual) is this on your router? Or your PC?

How many Internet Capable devices are there in your home? This would INCLUDE your Blu-Ray Player, your LCD screen, iPhone, Android, etc. NOT just your PC.
sorry not I meant Bitmeter OS, not resource monitor, and this only monitors my laptop's internet usage, showing the downloaded data between 9-10am

The Bitmeter OS on my main computer only shows a few hundred MB of data used per day which is normal.

these two individual devices contribute to our total data usage per month.

we only have these 2 devices that use our internet.
I use Networx Desk Band, it puts a indicator in my tray, so I can see what is happening all the time without taking up real estate on the screen. As for 'waiting till tommorrow', why? Just click your clock in the bottom right, reset the time to like 850AM then wait with Task Manager and Bitmeter or as I use Networx and see what happens? BTW make sure to select the check bot in bottom left to 'see all processes' and as well sort by usage, so you can see what pops to the top of the list.

Now just to mind you a few things, if your running Windows 8, this can be the synching of your online data to your PC, this is supposed to happen (all your my documents, my music, etc.) so if the PC dies, you log back in with your Microsoft ID on your new PC and BOOM it auto synch your data to your new PC (similiar to logging into Chrome/Google, then uninstall Chrome, reinstall and when you log in again will synch down all your bookmarks, PWs, apps, etc.).

Additionally if you have Norton Online Backup or any other 'Online Backup' that was pre-installed, those also may be doing the same thing (running backups of yoru data / OS for recovery later) by default and you may just now been noticing.