Up to 85 degrees on my r9 280x toxic with 55% fans


Jan 21, 2016
Hey,i reach 83 degrees on gaming on my r9 280x toxic video card..but i am a bit wooried cuz the fans are at 55% constant(set by myself) and it is still to loud for me..the clock is set at 1150 Mhz..may the card should beon its last days?
No the card isn't going to die from those temps.... Replacing the Thermal paste may drop the temps by 2/3 degrees but its a 280x that's about the temp they run at... You could always add another intake fan to your case to help


Actually that temp is not normal for this card, its quite high (although not dangerous). The 280x Toxic should only run between 66-75 under high load:

Op, whats the ambient temp where the computer is? do you have case fans?

I would suggest replacing the thermal paste first and see what improvement you get.

I have a silverstone tj05 window case with 2 120mm fans,and the videocard is clean ,free of dust..and the last time i've change the thermal paste the videocard was running 100% fan..and i heard that it can not change the temp with more then 2/3 lets say 5 degrees

There is no set amount, it depends entirely on the condition of the current thermal paste. I have changed it on cards with thermal paste that has gone hard and its improve the temps over 10'c

I have articsilver 5 but last time it didnt go to well,like to spread it well..even do i do it with a creditcard ..to spread it all over uniform...on my last vapor-x..i think it is because of that fan that is oscilating ..cuz it doesnt have a proper airflow now..
Dont spread it... Just put a blob the size of a pea on the gpu and let the heatsink spread it when you re attach. The whole point of thermal paste is to fill the gaps (due to the surfaces not being perfectly flat). By spreading it your self you have probably left gaps.