Update installs from scratch, which or ALL KB files to install from a new reinstall

crooked windows

Jul 4, 2013
Doing a fresh install and need to know are there any KB files to NOT install. especially that windows 10 salesman Just done a windows update and get 217 important updates, mainly NET Framework , Security Update and Update for Windows 7 . Any Does and Don'ts ??

Got that thanks but do you know are there any of those KB files to avoid like the plague? I am running Spybot Anti-Beacon but rather not download in the first instance.

Note to add: found this list to avoid
KB2952664 Compatibility update for upgrading Windows 7
KB2990214 Update that enables you to upgrade from Windows 7 to a later version of Windows
KB3021917 Update to Windows 7 SP1 for performance improvements
KB3022345 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry
KB3035583 Update installs get windows 10 app in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1
KB3068708 (replaces KB3022345) Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry
KB3075249 Update that adds telemetry points to consent.exe in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7
KB3080149 Update for customer experience and diagnostic telemetry