Ive exhausted my knowledge, cant find much online.. I was running this game a little slow, so i decided to buy a GPU to play it smoothly.. Now all my games run way slower. Everything runs great. The on board DVI slot is disabled, I tried using it. Threads ive seen said check BIOS, nothing. Check CCC, nothing.. Reinstall Drivers, nothing. Its not overheating. FPS is just garbage compared to without it.. Startup and opening programs is smoother, just slows down my games.. It says Dual graphics, but I cant find any way to disable it. My belief is that is the issue, idk.. Any help would be greatly appreciated..
AMD A7BM-E Motherboard
AMD A8 6600k APU 4-core 3.9Ghz w/ Radeon HD 8570D
8gb DDR3 Ram
GPU- Radeon R5 220
AMD A7BM-E Motherboard
AMD A8 6600k APU 4-core 3.9Ghz w/ Radeon HD 8570D
8gb DDR3 Ram
GPU- Radeon R5 220