Updated to Windows 10 where is lisence?

Hello... Look in control panel-system... also Microsoft will have your info when activated. You should now have a WIN 7 key moved to a WIN 10 activation, in their records. You will be able to DL a WIN 10 ISO using your Win 7 key, in the future for re-install.
Hello... Look in control panel-system... also Microsoft will have your info when activated. You should now have a WIN 7 key moved to a WIN 10 activation, in their records. You will be able to DL a WIN 10 ISO using your Win 7 key, in the future for re-install.
You now have what Microsoft calls a Digital Entitlement. If you need to reinstall Windows you can with a burned copy you can get for free from Microsoft. During the Windows install click on "I don't have a product key" and select which version of Windows, Pro or Home, that you had before. Upon entering Windows it will activate automatically although it can take a day or two to do so.
Your licence is in a database on Microsoft's servers, its matched to your motherboard so as the person above says, next time you reinstall you don't need the code anymore. It will activate itself the first time you connect to internet, one less thing to worry about.
I like these guys that down vote but yet don't reply on why or his opinion - at least you could do is explain what where missing and why its wrong in your own opinion...

is well known how Microsoft is got real funny over 10 and lies hides and strong arms over it and when you look It up you see how most say the term ''very unclear''
Junkey they down voted you because you acted like I was a fool for asking... I asked here versus asking on Microsoft for several reasons, one their site is cryptic. Two I prefer asking here as the people here explain it better typically and do not refer me to google. I have asked several things about Windows 10 and even googled it, with still no sure answer.

I do know how the license is found in windows 7, the problem is I just was not sure if it was the same code on windows 10 or not. Anyhow to the others, thank you :)
that's the thing you got and found and see the 7 agreement but funny how its not sop easy to do the same for 10

acting like a fool ?? no a fool uses 10 and nit that your a fool its just you got in to the Microsoft you been fooled

and as I put it yopu should of googlee it on line and found it and read it thasts if you can find the ''right one '' .. ''I just was not sure if it was the same code on windows 10 or not. ''

window 10 is nothing near the same as 7

anyway enjoy

You can review this agreement after your software is running by going to (aka.ms/useterms) or going to Settings - System - About within the software. You can also review the terms at any of the links in this agreement by typing the URLs into a browser address bar, and you agree to do so. You agree that you will read the terms before using the software or services, including any linked terms. You understand that by using the software and services, you ratify this agreement and the linked terms. There are also informational links in this agreement. The links containing notices and binding terms are:

· Windows 10 Privacy Statement (aka.ms/privacy)

that easy
well when trying to make a point you do not need to attack the person you are making the point to. I understand you may have a valid arguement, but I know of plenty of moderators here who are also technicians who disagree with you. Why do they disagree?

As to windows 10 I will agree it is different, but it is much more like 7 than 8 and it also is fine. As to the license it does show a simple number there, but the license is supposed to be binded to your Motherboard mac address. That being your motherboard mac address is supposed to be in a sense your license. I have no need to upgrade my computer again. I have a 2600k Sandybridge it is a great chip, but if I were to get a better chip I would have to change my motherboard. If i were to do that I would probably just build a new machine anyhow. That would need a new windows.

You say it is "nothing near the same as 7" exactly how? I care about performance, so far it performs the same. I came into this with skepticism myself, so unless you explain something straight and clear as to what you mean without talking down to me, I might consider what you say.