Updater.exe keep sucking my connection speed


Feb 24, 2015
Under my Taskmanager>Performance(tab)>ResourceMonitor>Network(tab) there is a program running and its called:Updater.exe

It constantly uses like %80 of my connection speed...Then i tracked down to find it C:\Program Files (x86)\RARLAB Updater

If i delete it,i lose my internet connection(it gives proxy error) BUT im still connected to steam and can talk with people

Do as boosted suggested and run malwarebytes and your A/V. Updater is not a windows component and often comes with third party programs that you should run manual updates only. Who/what does task manager show the file belonging to? You can safely delete the updater file though you may also want to uninstall the program that put it on your system originally.

Most reputable programs give you the option of doing manual updates and that should be the method of choice for most all other than your AV. Even windows updates have been known to break systems so have your pc notify you of updates but do not let it install them without your approval.
as i said before,i have no problems with deleting it...I know what it is,i know where it is...But f i delete it i cant open any site...i get proxy error if i delete or change updater.exe

when i delete it these works and connected:

but i cant open google,youtube,etc...It gives error like this:
Your pics make it look like you may have/had a browser hijacker that changed your proxy and or port settings. Can you reset your browser home page? Can you access the net through IE or Chrome? Have you uninstalled the program that you think installed the updater file? What did your malwarebytes scan show? Did you run your antivirus to see if anything shows up? Have you ran a Hijack This report? You are going to have to go through each each of these steps to isolate the source of the problem and then correct it. It can be a time consuming PITA but that is the only way to get your pc running correctly short of completely wiping and reinstalling windows and all of your programs.
-tried with chrome,firefox,torch,ie same result
-The programs name is RARLAB,deleted winrar,no idea what else it may be
-Malwarebyte scan is almost finished(%95) and its clean so far
-I have Kaspersky IS,made several scans,found nothing
-Will try Hijack This now...

Btw my proxy set to this:

it changes back to this everytime i delete it or uncheck it...
Okay your proxy is looping back to your own pc. Have you tried to click on automatically detect settings instead of proxy and see if you could connect? I know you said it changes back but I don't know if that meant you tried auto detect or not.

Hopefully you meant you uninstalled and not deleted the rarlabs program. Uninstall will get most of the associated files while delete just gets the rar.exe file. Just trying to make sure we are both on the same page with what you wrote. If nothing else shows up in other programs then HijackThis will usually find the problem. Post the log on the malwarebytes forum and they can read and interpret it for you and tell you what to do to regain control of your pc.

The link I posted went one level too deep into the malwarebytes forum to the resolved hijack logs.
Correct forum link is below. Sorry for the mix up.

OK,i fixed it...Or found someone that fixed it...Now that i can solve proxy problem thats occuring after i delete the Updater.exe i can delete it without any worries...I will leave it here if anyone reads it after me:
Just run regedit...Then:

CurrentVersion\Internet Settings -> ProxySettingsPerUser

And it was set to 0 (Disabled). I set it to 1 and the problem went away. The yellow warning bar disappeared and I could adjust the proxy setting and make it stick. Given how many viruses create proxy servers, I’m surprised I haven’t seen this before…

UPDATE: From the comments below – another trick that may work for some:

Vanessa – January 14th, 2015 at 3:45 am
I have the same issue but I did not have ProxySettingsPerUser in that location so I just created it and set it to 1……………….and it seems to have worked..cool thanks