updating motherboard and CPU in iextreme M5722


Aug 5, 2015

need a little advice please. I have an iextreme m5722 which was an off the shelf purchase. I am only learning about computer hardware so please forgive me if I come across as an "idiot". I had difficulty with the computer and after having researched it replaced the graphics card and the PSU. I put in a Corsair CX600 PSU and an ASUS Geforce GTx 750ti graphics card with 2gb memory. (mainly because I was under pressure and these were the only parts that were compatible at the time). I took apart the PC and everything worked quite well until recently when I turned on the PC and only the fan runs. The screen is not getting any input. Again I took to looking stuff up and found that I had made a drastic error. When I took out the fan to access the connectors I cleaned what I thought was dirt from the top of the CPU but it turns out that it was thermal paste! ( I know DOH!). But these are things that you don't really know unless you are well informed, which I am not. My current predicament is do I ditch the whole project and purchase a new computer or do I replaced the motherboard and CPU? I suppose the question in need to ask is what is the most up to date motherboard and CPU that I could get to fit into this case with all the same types of connections? Also do I need to update memory? ie different type?
That is a six year old system. You have four options, I think

1. Fix what you have. If only the CPU is shot, you could replace it with a better performing one.
2. Rebuild your existing system with as many new parts as it takes to update it to your taste.
3. Buy a refurbished more modern system and transplant everything that you can save.
4. Strip out the goodie and build a new system.

A new CPU, if that's all you need will cost under $100.
Updating motherboard, CPU, probably memory, and OS too will cost at least $200
You can get a refurbished, older i3 or i5 system that will take your existing GPU, for $200 - $300.
A new build using existing parts will cost around $400, at the cheapest.

Thanks so much for your input. The problem I have is identifying a CPU that is compatible with the mother board I have. How do I identify the most modern CPU that is compatible?
There is no 'modern' compatible CPU. They are all several generations old using the old LGA775 socket. A new replacement CPU will cost about $150, but a used 8300, 8400, or even 9450, could cost under $100 (get full money-back warranty)

You are looking for LGA775 chips. There are even some i3s what might work too.

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