Question Upgrade 6950x to 9900?

Jun 27, 2019
Hey friends,

Some questions...

I bought two years ago the I7 6950x with a ASUS Rampage V Edition 10 Mobo with a custom watercooling (CPU and GPU under water)
It was for work and not for fun...

Now some things changed in my life and I'm thinking about selling my current system and buying a 9900k with the waterforce mobo from Gigabyte and the preselected CPU (5G).

Money is no issue at the moment cause I saved it for a new system if some good stuff will be released...

I allready searched but I didnt found much...

Would it be worth upgrading to a 9900k? Would it make sense? Or it's just waste of money?
I only play games, no need for renderwork anymore. Last week I bought a 2080ti MSI seahawk - does the 6950x bottleneck that card?
(got 2160mhz with OC Scanner)

I can run my 6950x with 4,4ghz at 1,35v. (At the moment I run 4 ghz with 1,115v)

Thanks in advance!
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I wouldn't look at Intel anymore since everything they have now is just a hot box for what AMD did with their FX 8000 and 9000 series of processors. Then there's the matter about the cost. I know you said money is no issue but you also need to spread the funds across other components, right?

Mind listing all the apps you're going to tax the system on? If it's game tittles, then all the games you're looking to play. We can move forward from there.
Hey Lutfij,

thank you! I will not buy AMD... I only made bad experience with them (CPU and GPU)...
I will definitly stick with Intel... :) Since I started to bought nvidia / intel I started to have 0 problems with performance and driver issues.

I will play all AAA Titles in maxed resolution @1440 @144fps that is at least my target...
Gonna buy a EIZO foris 2735 soon.

My current system is performing well (only that I can't OC because of some microcode block from Windows 10 updates, so I have to use the tuning app from intel every time my pc starts)...

but I'm not sure how well it will be with 1440p @144hz (overwatch)
and all other gaming stuff at that resulation and refreshrate :)
I'm not very experienced!

If intel would drop prices, it would be cool! Maybe it is better if I will wait a bit.

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