Upgrade CPU (2500k to 6600k) or GPU(970 to 1070)?


Nov 11, 2013
Hey guys,

I am deciding which component to upgrade. Currently, I am rocking a i5 2500k @ 4.4 Ghz processor, with a GTX 970 GPU at Stock speeds. I game at 1080p on a 144 Hz monitor as well, and I would like to push my games to be at that buttery smooth frame-rate.

I am wondering which would be the wiser investment for the greatest performance increase. Would my 2500k be able to hang in there with my 1070 without bottlenecking too much, or would it just be better to invest in a new generation CPU/RAM?

Thanks so much!


If you play games like Arma 3 and Arma 2, any CPU intensive games often then you should upgrade your CPU. I don't know if your 2500k will be able to hang in with the 1070 but i'd recommend...


If you play games like Arma 3 and Arma 2, any CPU intensive games often then you should upgrade your CPU. I don't know if your 2500k will be able to hang in with the 1070 but i'd recommend upgrading your CPU as well just to get even more performance out of your computer.
