Upgrade cpu (8320) or upgrade monitor?


Aug 20, 2008
Current build is
Cpu 8320 @4ghz
Gpu r9 fury nitro
16gb ram ddr3
250gb evo ssd

Monitor I have is a 20" for 2nd monitor and a 27" Aoc monitor which runs at 60hz / 1080p.
I notice a my cup runs at 100% in a lot of games with ok fps. On ultra in BF1 i get 50-60 fps. Just wondering what would be best? Bought a 24" Samsung 144hz, curved, freesync monitor but I don't know of it's worth it

Wanting to upgrade to a 1700x with 16gbs of ram

Primary use is gaming

Thank you
liar i get 11% cpu usage on that cpu generic med settings

There is a huge difference between medium and ultra... mine is overclocked to 4ghz... Also the game has a huge impact on wether it's cpu intensive or gpu intensive. I can have 2% usage on medium settings playing solitare
The boost is a temporary boost. To have it 100% of the time running higher is more stress on the cpu which creates more heat. I can overclock it to 4.4 but there's no point since it doesn't affect performance that much
Had an 8320 and it was usually not near 100% in BF1 or other games. Usually 60-70% utilization, high/ultra settings, with a target of 60 FPS on the same GTX 970 I have now.

I did, however, find that overclocks beyond 4.2 GHz were helpful in games like BF1 and GTAV due to those games relying on one core to schedule other threads and the low single core IPC of the FX chips.

What's going on in your background?