Upgrade CPU or Graphics Card?


Oct 28, 2013
Hello everyone.

Wondering which of the 2 I should upgrade on my HP Pavilion laptop for basic gaming (not talking battlefield 4 in ultra).

My CPU has a slow clock speed which worries me but I am thinking Graphics Card would be more beneficial.

CPU - AMD A8-4555M APU with Radeon HD Graphics 1.6GHz

Graphics - AMD Radeon HD 7600G

What is the model of your laptop? Can't really tell you what to upgrade to unless I know the model/chipset.

APU's aren't great CPU's for processing power..their strength is their integrated graphics. Depending upon what you can actually upgrade to..that might be your best bet.

hp pavilion 15-n278sa


eh not quite.. on a few higher end laptops you can upgrade the gpu and not have a lot of issues..granted I'm talking ASUS ROG style laptops.

in any case on this HP one I doubt its even worth it. As far as upgrading the CPU I haven't found much, but I imagine you could bump up to the A8-5545M maybe the A8-6*** but other than that..not too sure.

Would this one fit?


True, but by "most laptops" I more meant most regular laptops, nothing high end, especially on laptops like his, if you can upgrade the GPU it's rarely ever worth it and you're usually just better off saving up for a new laptop