[SOLVED] Upgrade CPU

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Sep 6, 2013
I am retired and on Social Security so I cannot afford a new CPU. Currently, I have an I3-3220 and am looking at upgrading to the i5-3570K. Where can I get a reliable used CPU fairly reasonable?
Its hard to kill a CPU so even finding a used one on Ebay as long as its not for parts only or otherwise listed as not working, you should be alright, I've bought many CPU's over the years on Ebay and never had one issue with the CPU's but I occasionally have issues with the sellers being really slow, or not even shipping it out, but always got my money back of them people.

Tac 25

Jul 25, 2021
Taiyuan store in Aliexpress.

they have an i5-3570K for sale.
so far, everything that I purchased from them worked fine.the i7-2600k and the q9650 that my budget gaming pc (on sig) and backup pc (on sig) are currently using came from this store.
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Its hard to kill a CPU so even finding a used one on Ebay as long as its not for parts only or otherwise listed as not working, you should be alright, I've bought many CPU's over the years on Ebay and never had one issue with the CPU's but I occasionally have issues with the sellers being really slow, or not even shipping it out, but always got my money back of them people.
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