Upgrade current pc or build streaming pc or sell pc and build new one?

Apr 15, 2018
Hi everyone, so I currently have a PC that I use for gaming and streaming occasionally, but my cpu reaches 100% while streaming. My Current pc's specs are here https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MggW4q , now I have a budget of about $450 to either upgrade my current pc, build a separate streaming pc or sell my current pc and build an entire new one with hopefully around $1200 (if i could sell current one for $750). Open to any input, thanks!
It would be useful to have more info: what software are you using to stream with and which utility is telling you that CPU use is 100%? Others in this forum may know more efficient streaming software. BTW, have you tried to OC yet? That can help tell you how much further you need to go if a 10% - 30% OC suddenly takes you out of 100% utilization.

The Speedfan utility will tell you the utilization of all cores - if your current CPU utilization tool does not show you all cores, try that (there are other utilities equally good at analyzing all cores). It will also help you know your CPU temps when you try the OC, before and after.

If all four cores are at 100%, you need either more cores or faster ones. As mentioned above, OC may help. First step might be to buy heavy duty cooling and try a big OC - the forums here should help. If four cores OC'd still doesn't help (and your streaming software is not CPU consumptive), then you probably need more cores. An i7-7700 will give you that.

Good luck!

if you can sell it go ahead, your mobo is too much of a hindrance

when you have your money together make a post asking for help to spec out the parts