Upgrade for ATI Radeon HD 4200

vinnie paul

Feb 23, 2013
I'm looking for an upgrade to my ATI Radeon HD 4200. I have a $150 budget. I would prefer a nividia Gpu upgrade im fine with buying EVGA or anything GeForce to put things short any ideas?

vinnie paul

Feb 23, 2013
the rest of my specs are

Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

Processor: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 650 Processor

Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4200

Total RAM: 7.7 GB

HDD Size:1 TB
The card will be used for gaming.


Dec 31, 2012
I see, do you know what your power supply is, We can't recommend a Graphics card until we know what Power Supply you're running as its the main component that powers the system and the Graphics card. Insufficient power puts your entire system at risk and we don't want that to happen.

Your specs are a bit old by todays standards but still fairly good. If you can, provide a picture of the label of your power supply. It should look something like this




Dec 31, 2012
If your Power supply came with a prebuilt system then i guess its safe to say its not a good quality PSU and just enough to get your system by. However, Installing a new Graphics card would mean that you'll have to upgrade your power supply. Here's a good deal on newegg


For that price you should be searching for a HD7850. If you can't afford it then look for a GTX650Ti but you will need to upgrade your power supply for that card. If your Power Supply has a 6 Pin Pci express connector then you're safe to put in the GTX650ti. The 6 Pin power connector looks like this:


It can either be black or white. Search for this and if you find it, you're safe to install a GTX650ti which will support your gaming needs at that resolution.

However if you do not want to upgrade your power supply, You're gonna have to settle with a lower powered card such as the HD7750 which costs around $110. It is a good card and will get you by in most games of today at that resolution (of course with the Anti Aliasing turned off)


If you don't want to mess around much with rebates(and avoid paying more than 150 up front), try this gpu and psu:

pny gtx550ti for 99.99 and free shipping at bestbuy: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/PNY+-+GeForce+GTX+550Ti+1GB+GDDR5+PCI+Express+Graphics+Card/2264415.p?id=1218318379818&skuId=2264415&ci_src=11138&ci_sku=2264415&AID=10474050&PID=3938566&URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bestbuy.com%2Fsite%2FPNY%2B-%2BGeForce%2BGTX%2B550Ti%2B1GB%2BGDDR5%2BPCI%2BExpress%2BGraphics%2BCard%2F2264415.p%3Fid%3D1218318379818%26skuId%3D2264415%26ci_src%3D11138%26ci_sku%3D2264415&ref=39&CJPID=3938566&loc=01

Corsair cx430 psu for 34.99 and free shipping after a $10 MIR at newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139026&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

145 before rebates, 135 after(10% below your budget of 150). Make sure your case can accept a standard atx power supply and a graphics card that is about 4 inches wide, about twice as long and uses 2 expansion slots.

The gtx550ti is faster than a gtx650 but slower than a more expensive gtx650ti. Good psu for this upgrade and another in the future with 1 pcie 6pin.




Dec 31, 2012
Yes it should have no problems housing that graphics card. Nice graphics card but STAY AWAY from cooler master PSU's. They are merely generic brand PSU's with the cooler master label slapped onto them. They are not at all efficient (They don't carry the 80+ certification label) You should be searching for a cheap CX430 or a XFX Core Edition 450w PSU They should provide better build quality and 80+ effeciency.


What did you end up getting? I hope the psu was a cx430 at newegg(save 10 bucks over amazon after rebate and a single relatively strong +12v rail). Also, is the apevia your current case? It looks like it has great airflow, but may well pick up a lot of dust. Make sure you are using some canned air or something else relatively safe to help regularly remove dust.